By Richard Porter
September 28, 2024
A dialogue between a Republican and a RINO Hunter: Part one of two
I know some think “good” Republicans should drive people out of the party with whom we disagree on matters of importance to us, even if it weakens the party in the near term, on the theory that it makes the party better and stronger over time. I don’t think that’s true: less is just less when it comes to politics.
I am sooo tired of losing — I would rather win with people that agree with me most of the time than lose with people who agree with me all of the time.
So, please forgive our trespasses as we forgive trespasses by others. Please recognize that each side in this feud has done things to inflame the other side.
Let’s recognize the good in, and overlook the things we don’t like about, each other. And also — let’s try harder not to alienate others with how we choose to express ourselves to each other.
DuPage and DGTRO have so many Republicans who passionately want to make our state and nation great again. Great is different from perfect — and we should never let the perfect be the enemy of the good.
The only way we get to great is by embracing our imperfections and doing the best we can, despite all of our shortcomings.
We need the courage to be both courteous to each other and to confront what’s going wrong in our state and nation. Courtesy and confrontation don’t have to be inconsistent.
RINO Hunter:
Richard Porter Republicans have lost so much over your 10 years of activity. I agree great is different from perfect, but do you have the humility to acknowledge that you yourself have been bad for Republicans in Illinois? You are even hurting your friend’s credibility. You shouldn't have told anyone to take a post down. The post would have been burried or forgotten about.
This is just silly.
How is giving hundreds of thousands and raising millions for Republicans bad for Republicans? Obviously I didn’t stem the tide, but I was out doing what I could in a situation that was going the wrong way. How many more have done much less?
The whole narrative — “the establishment is holding us back! We would win if only those RINOs would not collaborate” — is just idiotic. It reflects a complete misunderstanding of what has happened in Illinois, and is most firmly believed by those who have been in the fight for the shortest period of time.
(Oh and by the way — I was the NATIONAL committeeman — I didn’t even have a vote on the Illinois central committee. My role was to support the national party and nationally we took the majority twice and elected a Republican President — everything I did to help thee state party and others in Illinois was a supplemental to my official role)
And I did it because the need was great, not to get huzzahs. In the background, trying to help others — including you when you ran, even though you were doing to lose, because I appreciated your willingness to try…
I don’t hold your foolishness against you— I have confidence that you are smart enough to figure out, sooner or later, that DEMOCRATS ARE THE PROBLEM IN ILLINOIS NOT REPUBLICANS SO STOP PISSING ON REPUBLICANS AND DO WHAT YOU CAN TO HELP EVERY REPUBLICAN ACTUALLY WIN ELECTIONS.
RINO Hunter:
You are also smart enough to realize the hypocrisy of telling others to stop "PISSING ON REBULICANS" while calling popular Republican Congressman Matt Gaetz a "f'...king ass hole" in front of national news cameras.
My Gates encounter was a quiet private conversation away from the TV cameras - cameras that he had been trying to push his way in front of, until I spoke to him. I didn’t know a blogger happened to be standing by recording our exchange.
Besides — I admonished him “don’t be an asshole, you don’t have to be an asshole.”
And then pointed out the obvious as he walked away — his behavior was actually objectively juvenile, embarrassing himself and the party, i.e. he was being an ass.
“Don’t be an ass” is actually a good rule to live by.
How do people who behave in an asinine fashion work with other people? Do you like it when someone is an ass to you?
Sure, you might attract other assholes by acting like an ass for a while. But tell me: how stable is an alliance of assholes? They end up being asses to each other, splintering into ever smaller groups.
This is why being an ass will never make the party bigger or stronger. Asses end up with no friends muttering at their TVs.
Note that the Democrat symbol is — an ass 🫏🫏🫏
So, with that in mind, here’s something we should all bear in mind:
If you spend all your time attacking Republicans, you are a Democrat…