Are You Ready To Take Back The Illinois Republican Party And Start Winning?
Remembering true conservatism
April 14, 2023
Val Ojeda, Writer
Political Commentary
What truly amazed me this past election season is the so-called “Republicans” that without shame supported and endorsed Paul Vallas for Mayor of Chicago. A lot of these conservatives supporting him didn't even live in the city but wanted to jump on the bandwagon for the greatest show in this political year.
Mind you, Vallas is a card-carrying Democrat who supports reparations and is PRO-ABORTION and, as a matter of fact, he wants to create Chicago as a protected sanctuary city, even offering to pay for such abortions with city funds for people from other states.
Remember, for a while, that Vallas did court the conservative vote. He appeared on the radio multiple times with Amy Jacobson and other conservative outlets, including speaking at Republican events.
Now Republicans gave the excuse that we had to choose the lesser of two evils because if not Vallas, then we are left with Brandon Johnson.
In reality, it's trying to decide between Hitler and Stalin. They are both evil Democrats and as Republicans we should have stayed out of that race.
And what of the Republicans who voted for Vallas? Now they have a stain on their voting record forever. It's amazing how quick Vallas turned against you all, including his attacks on President Trump and Ron DeSantis.
Vallas even tried to disassociate himself from the Chicago Police Union endorsement, then accepting the endorsement of Black Lives Matter instead.
Of course, Vallas lost because he was a flip flopper that could never decide what side he was on. The voters found him out and walked away, especially those Conservatives that initially supported him.
Now, after I thought that was said and done. Here comes the next wave of Republicans supporting another bleeding heart Democrat.
I'm speaking, of course, about Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who last week announced that he will seek the nomination of the Democrat Party for the 2024 presidential race. While most applaud RFK Jr's work over the past three years (I don't because he is a Democrat), because of his being anti-Vax I would be remiss if I did not bring up the fact that he, and his lineage, have serious skeletons in their closet.
After all, they are the Kennedy's that stole the election from Republican Richard Nixon in 1960. Do you remember the Chicago outfit under whose boss Sam Giancana helped them?
Cheryl Hines is a successful actress, director, producer, and podcast host, but the Hollywood starlet may gear up to add First Lady to her long list of impressive roles, this week.
The 57-year-old’s husband, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., announced this week that he’s officially challenging Joe Biden for the Democratic nomination for the upcoming 2024 presidential election.
This is interesting enough without: “She (Hines) even once had lemonade with Fidel Castro at his house in Cuba. ‘We went to Cuba. This was probably 10 years ago. While we were there, my husband wanted to see if we could visit with Mr. Castro’….
“‘When we got to the hotel, there was a guy in a white linen suit who said, “El Presidente will see you.” ‘They came and picked us up in a van, it was a nice van; I was like, “Woah, what’s happening?”
“‘We got to his house, and he was wearing a tracksuit. We sat down with him, [my husband], and he spoke in Spanish for a while. They talked about assassination attempts, as one does when you’re drinking lemonade. He was sweet. It was the best lemonade I’ve ever had. I don’t know what was in it, but it was fantastic.'”. . .
.. . And speaking of the Kennedy family’s historic affection for the mass-murdering, terror-sponsoring Stalinists who have run Cuba; remember when RFK Jr’s mother, Ethel Kennedy, was discovered to have decorated both her Florida home and the Kennedy family’s estate named Hickory Hill in McLean, Virginia, with pictures of Che Guevara?
And remember how even before the shrieks of “Fake News!” from sophisticated liberals against “deplorable” could commence for spreading something so patently absurd as a famous American political matriarch decorating her homes with pictures of an epic America-hater whose lifelong craving was to incinerate the U.S. even before any of this, Robert Kennedy Jr himself boasted for the public prints that “My mom loves Che Guevara! Her dog is named Che!”
According to Pinterest, the Che Guevara picture at Hickory Hill was (is) located in the late Robert F. Kennedy’s very home office!
This makes the Che Guevara family presence all the more “fascinating,” considering that these Kennedy's were America’s twin “commanders-in-chief” during the Cuban Missile Crisis and during the infamous Bay of Pigs treachery, which took place 62 years ago this very week.
The Kennedy's are the most corrupt political dynasty in American history. Have we not forgotten the alcoholic murderer Edward Kennedy, the so-called “Lion of the Senate” and his attacks on Republicans and on presidential appointments?
Now comes John F. Kennedy, who should have never been President. Remember, that spot was reserved for Joe Jr. but he was killed off early. John was suffering from dozens of diseases and ailments. He also slept with spies and women tied to the Mafia.
Yet, Conservatives say in reality he was a Republican. UMM no!
He was a card-carrying DEMOCRAT and proud of it. He was the first President to bow down to the first Black Lives Matter groups of that period. Furthermore, he rolled out the first entitlements that his Vice-President LBJ weaponized into his Great Society Plan that gave us the massive public welfare system, including free healthcare and housing that cost us trillions of dollars in treasure.
Now Republicans are posting on social media that they will support him over a Republican candidate for President, including Trump, because “He's the only one fighting against forced vaccinations” What?
So, now Republicans are selling their soul to the devil and yet again supporting a Democrat because of what's popular at the time?
Remember for one that is anti-Vax his family, while in political office, force it upon us and our children!
President Kennedy signed the Vaccination Assistance Act in 1962 to, in the words of a CDC report, “achieve as quickly as possible the protection of the population, especially of all preschool children ... through intensive immunization activity.” In a message to Congress that year, Kennedy said: “There is no longer any reason why American children should suffer from polio, diphtheria, whooping cough, or tetanus … I am asking the American people to join in a nationwide vaccination program to stamp out these four diseases.”
While serving as attorney general, Robert F. Kennedy promoted community empowerment models to address urgent social needs like better health care, leading to the development of community health centers, which Ted Kennedy championed throughout his long career in the Senate.
Community health centers have been on the front lines of vaccination campaigns for more than 50 years in rural America, in inner-city neighborhoods and on Native American reservations to immunize our most vulnerable populations.
Senator Kennedy led numerous campaigns for reauthorization of the Vaccination Assistance Act, took up the fight for the Child Immunization Initiative of 1993, and authored many other measures to increase the availability of vaccines for uninsured adults through community health centers.
These programs were models for the eventual mandates and forced vaccinations during COVID-19 -19. The Kennedy crime family junta created this. Now Republicans want to support RFK Jr.
In reality, he's a fox in the hen house. If elected, he won't be fighting against the VAX he will promote it, costing millions of American lives. After all, he is a Democrat and cannot be trusted.
Why is it that in other states, Democrats are becoming Republicans, but in Illinois Republicans are becoming Democrats?
Case in point. So-called Conservative Greg Hart raised millions of dollars to run in the Republican primary against Pete Dicianni. After he won the primary, Hart immediately put out an ad PAID for by the Illinois Republican Party he was an “independent” and pro-abortion. He was no longer a Republican!
Republicans were outraged, and many sat on their hands not voting for Hart, feeling bitter that he sold him out. He lost his race over this poor strategy!
So, why are so many Illinois Republicans becoming Democrats or worse, working with them as Republicans as RINOs?
Here are some ideas:
1. Change in personal beliefs: As individuals grow, they might change their opinions on political issues and find that the values of the Democratic Party align better with their current beliefs. Conservative women have abortions. Many do it in private, yet cry out they are against it. Hypocrites. Sometimes they feel the Democrat's agenda is the “in” thing.
2. Disagreement with the Republican Party: Republicans may feel disillusioned with the direction of the Republican Party or feel that their voices are not being heard within the Party. That's what's happening under the leadership of Chairman Don Tracy and the Illinois GOP leadership. They are tired of losing races, so they jump the ship.
3. Shift in demographics: With changes in demographics, such as an increase in younger and more diverse voters, Republicans may feel that the Democratic Party represents their collective values better. We are seeing it in Will and Dupage Counties. These were red conservative counties. Now they are blue. With Democrats in control of the government. Now “R's” are becoming”D's" to become properly represented in their minds.
4. Disapproval of the current local GOP leadership: Republicans who disagree with the current Republican Central Committee policies or leadership may seek a different political party to support. Many County GOP organizations are refusing to have meetings. They cannot run candidates or support them. So many conservatives are leaving the reservation to where they are accepted.
5. Influence from friends and family: Individuals may be influenced by the opinions of close friends or family members who are aligned with the Democratic Party. After continued losses, many Conservatives feel their interests are not being properly represented and friends, family and the media remind of that daily.
Let's examine this point….
Election integrity. Many questions if Trump really won the election. He did indeed win. 100% It was an organized effort that was called out months before the November election. We knew it was coming.
It was impossible for Biden to gain more votes than Obama, let alone Trump. And lawsuits and election examinations proved it. Obviously, it was impossible to reverse the election to Trump's favor, so they defeated all of us as Biden was sworn in that January 2021.
What came next were bitter and confused Republican voters that refused to be political again. We became victims of this election interference. The steal!
So many Republicans chose not to vote again. Many stated why should we because they are just going to manipulate the machines, ballot harvest or dump bogus mailing ballots for a Democrat win again.
This happened in the Republican Primary in 2022.
Only 8% of Republicans voted out of 100% in the primary.
Later, only 20% voted in the general election.
Why is that?
Because it was the failure of the Illinois Republican Party to lead. It was their failure to motivate. In the midterms, they were so obsessed with getting Richard Irvin through the primary that they dedicated every dollar, resource, and endorsements they had to Irvin that they forgot about the hundreds of others that were running for office.
Most voters were disgusted that their choice, Darren Bailey and other grassroots candidates were targeted with hate mail calling them “extremists” So many were discouraged to vote.
We saw this again when Bailey won the primary and the REPUBLICAN party refused to help him. Once again, in the midterms general election, many were discouraged from voting.
What the party leaders did was stick a knife in the back of every Republican voter in Illinois that November day!
We all know that the Illinois Republican needs to be replaced. Even Darren Bailey has asked Don Tracy to step down. Bailey is correct. The party needs not to reinvent itself, but to be torn all down and rebuilt with new leadership.
It begins by acknowledging their mistakes. This can be done by letter to every Republican member in the state apologizing for their failed leadership, followed by resignations starting from the top. Only then can there be confidence built by the grassroots to restore the party in itself.
Next is to provide a Republican Bill of Rights. This Bill would include what values we stand for. The various grassroots groups would create this with input to this Bill to provide guarantees and protections for all members.
Included would be creating new bylaws. These bylaws would include protections for example from party leaders getting involved in primaries. If they do, then certain enforcement would be necessary including removal from the leadership and the party.
Because of the failure of the Republican leadership and their failed policies and embracing liberal ideologies, we have lost direction and a voice in our central government.
Instead, we are left with a chosen few creating laws that are corrupting and bankrupting this state, meanwhile our children will be left in debt and exposed to socialist ideals because of our failure to act.
That is why today we need to return to biblical Conservative values. We need to return to the basics of true fundamental conservatism.
God found this nation. Our Constitution was created on biblical and Christian values. Now as a nation, we are turning our backs on the very document of the Constitution that gives us our very freedoms. That is what the Democrats want to do. To challenge religious freedoms, so they can challenge the creation of the Constitution of the United States because the word of God inspired it.
There should be a choice whether you are a conservative or a moderate. Not both. No more RINOs. The Democrats don't have DINOs then why should we.
It shall be the policy of this movement to be a Republican and nothing more. Moderates are identified with modernism, which is unacceptable. Anything other than conservative and they will identify you as liberal, which includes a modernism moderate.
For far too long the GOP has been corrupted with ideologies that replaced our old time conservative ideals. To move forward, we need to identify our mistakes and acknowledge what needs to be done, so we can restore the Grand Old Party to its former glory.
After all, we are parents that love our children. We want what's best for our nation, state, and communities. We want a better future of financial property and security. It begins with sacrifices.
First, it begins with reorganizing the Illinois Republican State Central Committee. The Grassroots need a voice and a vote in the party process. Only then shall we be whole as a party once again. Also, to appoint Grassroots representatives in each Congressional District with the funding to recruit and develop Republican candidates.
We need to reinvest the party going into the Cyber age. This includes revamping the GOP website and social media.
The GOP is decades behind the Democrats. The GOP needs to create a central clearinghouse that identifies candidates in every race in the state, no matter how small and makes them searchable to voters from their district.
This data will also include their: Names. Office seeking, emails, phone numbers and websites.
The GOP also needs a 24 hour hotline with a live operator to assist any voter or candidates available to give consultation advice. This also includes prompt answering to the E-mail system.
The Illinois GOP also has to provide the funding to CREATE an Illinois Republican Candidate Clinic.
This clinic includes training a candidate FREE of charge which includes:
Campaign development and training with manual
Guiding the candidates public policy
Legal and state regulations
Candidate filing and tax information/filing
Ordering printed materials including graphic design
Instruction and creation of social media
Provide and build free Website
Individual development including public speaking instruction
Provide free voter data
Provide donor lists
Provide possible endorsement lists
Free campaign consulting and strategy
I'm already doing this as an individual to help candidates free of charge. Why can't the Illinois party do it? For myself it wasn't the income but the outcome to help fellow Republicans. As a businessman it's a poor strategy to make an income but I'm ok as I have other businesses.
Next we as a party need to execute a voter registration drive to get out the vote. First it begins with filling PC vacancies or replacing PCs with more hard working effective ones.
We need to do these things including more rallies to encourage the troops. We need more youth, senior, veteran and minority involvement. It starts by taking a step forward to reclaim our party with action.
We need to defeat the low voter turnout by messaging the masses. This includes newsletters from every GOP organization to encourage others to become involved including votes.
Would you like to become part of this movement? Then register at the link below. You may be an individual or a GOP organization. We will find a place for you today. Thank you!
You can find my form "Sidebar Contact Form" at:
©️Val Ojeda is a Republican Author, Media Personality, Strategist and Consultant. Ojeda manages federal political campaigns also serving as President Trump's Hispanic Coalition Leader. Ojeda is also a businessman, entrepreneur and the founder of FAMA a 501c3 Chamber of Commerce. Ojeda served as law enforcement Veteran Officer/Detective