Brian Skala Announces His Run For Illinois House District 28
Skala is running as a Conservative in the Republican Primary set for March 19, 2024
August 30, 2023
Val Ojeda, Writer
I had the privilege to meet Brian Skala face to face this year to discuss his plans to run for state office. Brian is currently an elected official. He currently serves as a trustee in the Village of Crestwood.
As an elected official, he was able to understand how the government works first hand. However, he was also able to learn how some elected officials operate, the good and the bad. This brings us to Rep. Robert Rita, currently the Representative in the 28th District.
Rita, is a Democrat who is a madigan puppet. Recently, he was called to testify about his dealings with the corrupt former Speaker of the House Michael Madigan and his dealings with the Com Ed scandal, which Madigan was indicted and arrested for by the FBI.
For decades, Madigan operated a criminal enterprise in the General Assembly with impunity. He became a millionaire on the back of the every day Illinoisan. He fixed political races and doled out in the form of patronage hires, meanwhile collecting kickbacks.
Governor's, Republican and Democrat, were terrified to investigate him. Any Representative who was tied in with Madigans political operations was complicent and guilty of corruption. This was Robert Rita.
Brian, like many of us, had enough of the corruption. He witnessed Rita on the federal courtroom stand become a snitch to save his own hide, testifying against his close friend and criminal partner.
Therefore Brian announced his run for Representative to oust Rita and his corruptible practices.
I urge you to support Brian as he fights for the citizens of Illinois.
Vote Skala, Republican March 19, 2023
Announcement Of Candidacy:
Brian Skala for Illinois Representative District 28
“My name is Brian Skala and I'm proud to announce my candidacy for the Illinois House of Representatives. After much prayer and consulting with my family, I came to a decision that the 28th Illinois House District needed better representation than we have now. I'm a Conservative Grassroots Republican. I'm a father of three beautiful daughters. Furthermore, I'm a lifelong resident of Illinois and I love this state and country. I feel that for too long the residents of Illinois have been forgotten. They have been disenfranchised and continued to be ignored by our elected leaders.
That is why I'm running to give you the representation that your family deserves. I shall be your voice. Like many Americans, I work a blue-collar job. I work long hours to provide for my family. Like you, I have seen personally the effects of the mismanagement of the state at the hands of the Democrats who brought to us a broken economy and out of control spending. We are entering the early stages of a super recession. Inflation is sky high and our senior citizens cannot keep up with the rise in prices and taxes. When will this stop?
After the unlawfully mandates pushed upon us two years ago by JB Pritzker and the liberal agenda, we have seen a third of our industry and business flee for tax havens like Indiana. Thousands of family's followed behind them because the factory's closed and people began losing their homes. Illinois has the highest taxes in the nation and our pension debt has exceeded 500 billion dollars. That means every woman, man, and child in Illinois are on the hook for 56 thousand dollars an individual just to satisfy our pension debt. If our economy and pensions collapsed, there would be no recovery as we cannot file bankruptcy as a state.
Recently, the Illinois Supreme Court upheld HB3653 the SAFE T Act, the pro-criminal anti-Police bill. This means that the State of Illinois is the first in the nation to offer no cash bail for offenders of violent crimes, even up to murder. This means the end of days for the citizens of Illinois. Violent crimes will increase and the victims of crime will no longer have rights. Dangerous drugs are infesting our schools, leading to 20,000 ambulance calls for overdoses each year.
My plan when elected is to stop crime cold. This means the hiring of more police and stricter penalties for criminals. I will fight to restore our economy and I will bring back industry and jobs back to Illinois. This includes lowering your taxes. I will fight for our seniors and veterans, providing to them the assistance that they need and to end homelessness. I will fight for the parents and their rights, including school choice. We need to rebuild Illinois and fix our infrastructure. I will fight political corruption.
I will not be a representative of the district but of the people. Not only that, but I answer to you and you alone. I will not be bought. I make a pledge for term limits. Serving in office should never be a career. Today, I'm asking for your support and your vote. We do this to afford a better future for our children, so they can live free from our debts and live in better economic prosperity and free from crime. I ask you to join me, as together we will fight to take back our state and our country!”
Thank you for you support!
Brian Skala