August 27, 2023
Val Ojeda, Writer
Call To Action:
Ladies and gents, in just 9 days we will make political history. You are part of a Red Tsunami that will pour across this country to defeat the Democratic agenda. September 5th, 2023, is the first OFFICIAL day of campaigning and collecting signatures to be on the ballot. I congratulate each and every one of you for taking on this great endeavor in service of this great state and nation and your respective communities.
I will lead the way to your victory. We will blaze a path for others to follow. This will be a GRASSROOTS initiative that's never been tried before. We will practice unorthodox methods to combat the evil Democrats and win elections. The time to be “nice” or play fair goes out the window. My plan is strategic and effective. It will comprise PR, marketing and Cyber. We will not practice old and ineffective methods of campaigning. Using my proven method, we will save money instead of spending needlessly.
We will raise a lot of money this time employing a fundraising tactic never tried before. The days of depending on others for financing at the 5-yard line is over. We will not just depend on leadership for funding. We will raise the money in-house. Of course, we will receive help from the GOP leadership as we progress, but we need a safety net to protect the campaigns and have cash reserves to fund operations.
My request from you is that you work hard. You are the face of your campaigns and the voice of your constituents. I promise I will work harder than you because I want to set the pace of these campaigns. It's time that we set aside some activities so that we can focus on winning. Make yourself available. Do not become complacent or, worse, lazy. The Democrats are outpacing us, so it's time to work 5 times as harder than them, so we can win.
I make you this promise. If you give me an ounce of effort, I'll give you a pound. I'll make myself available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week until we win. I answer to you and you are alone. My loyalty is to you. So, join me on this mission to save our state and country, my brothers and sisters, so that we can prepare a future of prosperity for our most precious commodity, our children.
God bless you. Now let's win this! #Never Quit
Val Ojeda