File photo/Adam Kinzinger (2022)
Val Ojeda, Writer
Karma. What's amazing about Karma is that it's revealed in mysterious ways. In this case it is with former Rep. Adam Kinzinger who is now under federal investigation for violations of federal law including money laundering, mail fraud and providing military secrets to a foreign enemy.
The House of Representatives that he once belonged to are demanding hearing's. They want payback.
As you know Adam is the most hated Republican in the country. He also comes from a state that has the most RINOs in Republican leadership.
In Illinois, his home state there are three types of Republicans.
One is the establishment “moderate” Tea party of 2008 that supported McCain and relics of the Reagan era, which means nothing no more. The second is the RINOs, the anti-Trumpers like Mitt Romney, Adam KISSINGER, Liz Cheney and thousands more that were jealous that Trump never served his time working through the ranks to become President.
You see, they feel that you have to be elected to a dozen offices before you are entitled to run for President. Nope, Trump was a Democrat before he found the light that turned Republican and ran and won his first race to become President of the United States.
Adam was always jealous of Trump because he had aspirations to become President and Trump robbed him of his dream.
Let's continue.
The third type of Republican is what I am. A Conservative Patriot, Trump supporter. You see, the rest of the GOP hate most of us because we wear jeans and are mostly blue collars. We like to cuss, drink beer and shoot our guns. But we are REAL Republicans and don't bend on our values like the other Republicans.
They call us “extremist” or “grassroots”. I think we are just Americans that love our country and our Constitutional rights.
So we are 85% of the Republican Party. The other 10% are more moderate, meanwhile the remaining 5% are Kinzinger RINO supporters.
Most of these 15% Republicans are weak. They don't even have any fight in them. Just look at how they cater to the Democrats in Congress and the Senate. Wanting to "Unite" with the Democrats even promoting abortion.
Most Republicans are supporting Biden's agenda now because they acknowledge he's the President, and we have to unite with the Democrats.? Look at what happened at the January 6th hearings. Seeing videos of the Democrat's kangaroo court/investigation of the Jan. 6th riots and the Capitol Police officers blubbering and boohooing like teenage girls about how it was “The Very Worst Day Of Their Entire Lives”
I mean, really, is there anybody who can't see that this is all just a scripted drama? While in Chicago, there was a genuine tragedy of a REAL Cop that got killed. And we're all supposed to sit there and nod our heads gravely and feel our hearts aching for these poor, pitiful, put-upon Capitol Police Officers who had to endure such "trauma" and abuse. It's enough to make you cry. It sure enough was enough to make *them* cry. The GOP leadership should've just laughed them out of the building. But nope they were led on by Adam who cried with them remember?
But who was the director of this show? The leader of these sham hearings on the J6 “insurrection” that embarrassed Republican Patriots nationally, sending many of them to federal prison after losing their jobs, businesses, and reputations. The list of these patriots are in the hundreds landing them in federal holding facilities like they had in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, for Al Qaeda prisoners. The person responsible was.......
Former Rep. Adam Kinzinger. A Republican from Illinois.
Along with former Rep. Liz Cheney of the Bush dynasty “junta” led an all out attack on the 85% of the Republicans, the Trump supporters.
Vowing vengeance, they weaponized their House committee act in the direction of then Speaker Pelosi and worked with Democrats to mobilize thousands of federal agents to investigate conservatives and President Trump. Issuing thousands of subpoenas they had hearings and reviewed private citizen's voting and banking records. They obtained information on gun ownership.
Mind you, this is coming from a REPUBLICAN!
Let's visit how we got here with the enemy of conservatism, Adam Kinzinger.
Adam was elected to the House of Representatives representing the 17th District in Western/Central Illinois. He was a product of the Tea Party who are now long gone after their savior RINO Sen. John McCain passed.
A veteran of the Illinois National Guard he was the sweetheart of the Illinois GOP.
Nationally he was a nobody until Donald Trump came down the elevator to announce his run for President.
By the time I became the Hispanic Coalition Leader for the Trump campaign in 2016 Kinzinger was the most vocal Republican challenging Trump's campaign. Then Trump won the primary.
Overnight Adam was the darling of the lying liberal media. Next came the high priced clothes and written statements.
Adam Kinzinger became the first RINO!
After Trump won and was inaugurated the attacks became worse. Something had to be done.
After working for Trump in 2017, I was recruited and became a field operative, taking out RINOs who didn't support the America First agenda. At the time, Adam was outspoken against any Republican supporting Trump then becoming allies with Democrats in the House and Senate. Then he helped primary Trump supporting candidates.
So, after attacking Trump everyday on CNN, I got my marching orders to take Adam out with other operatives.
At the time, I was under contract with a Trump affiliated PAC. I was given a lot of money and an expense account to take out Adam. Which I did. Embarrassing him.
Using investigators, we discovered photos of Adam “sexting” a lower enlisted Airman under his command in the Air National Guard.
The Airman, when questioned said she was having sex with Adam who was her boss in the guard and by the way, he is married.
They were sneaking off to have sex. Then came the back and forth naked porn photos of themselves.
A big no no in the military because both could be arrested more so him than her because he is a commissioned officer. He took advantage of a teenage enlisted Airman. It's a violation of the UCMJ and federal law.
He could go to federal prison and be removed from Congress.
First off, let me say this. Adam is no ugly looking guy, but he is no Tom Cruise from “Top Gun” either. He floats pictures in his flight suit and sells he's a fighter pilot, but he's not.
Most of Kinzinger's part-time military career was flying chickens and supplies instead of fighter jets like Tom Cruise.
His call sign is “RINO” or "Sellout"
In November 2017, we paid to have an anti-Kinzinger rally that thousands attended from Illinois in Rockford. Present was Rick Manning from ALG, Charlie Kirk. Candace Owens and many others to support Trump and damn Adam.
It was a success and Adam got the picture but we had the sex pictures to use to kick him out of Congress.
Later we met with Speaker Paul Ryan providing him with the many nude photos of Kinzinger, many of which we could not revealed because of the explicit nudity, but it was him. Tattoos included.
Speaker Ryan begged Trump to call off the wolves, and Trump called off the wolves. He gave Adam a break under the condition he backed off. The pictures never made it on FOX News. Trump gave him a pass.
After the 2021 election, the photos were leaked and Kinzinger went on a warpath against Trump.
This led to Kinzinger getting censured all over the country by GOP organizations after he voted for Trump's impeachment TWICE.
A traitor.
So began his wrath on the Republicans that supported Trump, starting with J6.
Let me tell you this. Adam was elected because he's a pretty face. A military guy who delivered false hopes. Like the gigolo that marries off a wealthy woman only to run her dry, stealing her wealth.
Adam is a lizard. He is no Republican. Yet, he touts his new organization “COUNTRY FIRST PAC” to take out Trump and anyone who supports the America First Trump agenda.
It never worked out. Instead, he found himself out of a job when Illinois did redistricting due to the census eliminating his district. He announced he was leaving Congress He left office in January in disgrace.
He was defeated by karma. His political aspirations for the Senate or even President were gone now.
No worries, though. CNN offered him millions to become a new contributor. Welcomed into the arms of the liberal lying media so he can continue to bash Trump who he's obsessed with.
What is funny is that he is now being investigated for several violations of federal crimes. He may report the news about himself.
So how did he land himself under federal investigation?
First, Kinzinger promoted a fake soldier.
A case of stolen valor is all it took to take down little Adam.
In 2022, Newsweek ran a glowing story about an American man who claimed to be a volunteer fighting with the Ukrainian Army. Vasquez claimed in March 2022. That he'd “taken out 7 Russian tanks.”
Vasquez painted a picture of himself as a former Navy SEAL recruited by the Ukrainians to fight the war all by himself. Wearing Oakley sun glasses with belts of ammo around his neck like Rambo.
You see Vasquez was recruited by an organization that Adam was with to be the face and front of the company. In the process they spent a lot of money marketing this Vasquez and the company.
Kinzinger advocated for Vasquez, urging Twitter to verify his account, and posed in pictures with him even partying with him introducing Vasquez to the elite.
Only then the story of Vasquez joining the Ukrainian Army turned out to be fake. He was outed “Kinzinger's favorite Ukraine hero just deleted his account after it came out he is a fraud,” political operative Jack Posobiec said.
You see Kinzinger was using Vasquez to be the face of his new organization to make billions off of Ukraine and its war.
Now his plan backfired. Now came some news inquiries.
A General of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, the "ZSU," stated flatly that Vasquez has never had a contract to fight with the Legions of Ukraine, their foreign volunteer outfit.
The "ZSU" is like the French Foreign Legion accepting overseas fighters in Ukraine.
"He will not be able to show enlistment papers with the ZSU. It is a rigorous process that requires weeks, if not months to complete. Invitation letter, background checks, physical and intellectual tests, and a contract for either three years or until the end of mobilization.” the General said.
To be in ZSU means dedicating your life to ZSU. Not coming and going. Was James at the front? Seems so. Was James in the military? No. It is very specific. There are no special contracts with ZSU units, only Legion Units. I can't speak for Legion but James was not in Legion.
"For the sake of avoiding controversy I stayed out of it while other soldiers, real soldiers, called him out. I met James three times while I was in ZSU, all three times he was a civilian. It was shocking to see him say he was going on a mission to Soledar after we already left." said a Ukraine military representative in the ZSU.
But more shocking was the fact that James couldn't legally go on mission since he wasn't in the ZSU. Neither units, not companies, nor battalions can sign a soldier directly to a ZSU contract. It goes through a record/recruiting center and then to Brigade level.
In the March 2022 story, Newsweek quoted James Vasquez, saying "Alright. So far, we took out seven Russian tanks, after a long firefight we took control of the area."
Vazquez is part of the organization that Adam is on the Board of Directors with. And now he was found out.
Kinzinger endorses anything fake having to do with Ukraine, so he also endorsed this organization called "Ripley's Heroes," supposedly established to raise money to arm the Ukranians. Then he became one of its officers.
The organization is now under federal investigation after Vasquez was outed.
A New York Times article describes the allegations. Ripley's Heroes, allegedly, bought optics technology on the restricted export list and sent it to our New Palz in Ukraine without bothering to get an export control waiver from the State and Defense Departments. These optics were sensitive technology that could of never been approved.
In fact, they seem to have made a straw purchase, concealing the identity of the buyer and the intended recipient. The government feels it's an enemy of the United States disclosing top secret technology.
Last spring the group said it had spent approximately $63,000 on night-vision and thermal optics. Some equipment was subject to American export restrictions because, in the wrong hands, it could give enemies a battlefield advantage.
In many cases the enemy can reverse engineer our military hardware so they can build their own versions.
Ripley's delivered the equipment to Ukraine without required documentation listing the actual buyers and recipients. Recently, the federal authorities began investigating the shipments, U.S. officials said.
In his defense, the group's founder, a retired U.S. Marine named Lt. Col. Hunter, Ripley Rawlings CEO, provided deal documents to The Times. But those records show that, just as the volunteers said, Ripley's was not disclosed to the State Department as the buyer.
In addition, the group raised over $1 million, but only a fraction of that has been spent on arming anyone. The Times details less than $100,000 of equipment being purchased.
Where is the money going?
Ripley's says it has raised over $1 million, some of it thanks to the former Connecticut contractor, Mr. Vasquez, who claimed to be the group's chief strategy officer and promoted Ripley's to his online audience.
Ripley's spent around $25,000 on remote-control reconnaissance cars last year, but they never arrived, shipping records show. Colonel Rawlings said Polish authorities held them up over legal concerns.
Ripley's is not a legal company, LLC or a 501-c3 organization? While "Ripley's Heroes" has applied for nonprofit status after their criminal wrongdoing was put on blast, he won't reveal where the money is going to the Times. He would have to do that if he were a legally-recognized nonprofit, so why is he refusing?
Colonel Rawlings has said that his group is awaiting American nonprofit status. But he has not revealed his spending or proof of a nonprofit application to The Times or to donors who have asked. So it is not clear where the money is going. "I believed these guys," said Shaun Stants, who said he organized a fund-raiser in October in Pittsburgh but was never shown the financial records he asked for.
Corporate records in Poland and the U.S. show that Colonel Rawlings also started a for-profit company called Iron Forge. In an interview, he said he expected his charity and others to pay Iron Forge for transportation, meaning donor money would be used to finance his private venture. But he said no conflict of interest existed because Iron Forge would ultimately send money back to the charities. Details are being worked out, he said.
None of that sounds real to me.
So Kinzinger started by endorsing this fake soldier and would end up endorsing a fake armament "charity." But he's no victim. He's part of the conspiracy. I'll explain.
In fact, he is on the board of directors of "Ripley's Heroes."
This is where his criminal wrongdoing comes in and why Speaker McCarthy wants hearings done because he feels this opens the door to a broader conspiracy with Adam that was just exposed.
It's about military contracts. Remember Halliburton and Blackwater in Iraq? They made hundreds of billions of dollars in government contracts to provide services during the war to the state and defense departments, even becoming a private CIA and military.
Dick Cheney was the CEO of Haliburton before he became Vice-President under Bush.
Cheney pushed for the war in Iraq and Afghanistan, making Haliburton the sole provider of military services in both theaters without having to undergo a bidding process.
This made Cheney's Halliburton company billions, and as a shareholder, he became a billionaire. This also led to his daughter becoming a Representative in the House soon after. To continue government access.
Here is the catch. Both Kinzinger and Liz Cheney use Cheney's campaign manager Karl Rove, who is part of the Bush/Obama junta, to peddle influence in American spending like Ukraine.
Right now Rove a political advisor, consulted both Liz Cheney and Kinzinger on their campaigns and more.
He is the connect to the former President and Vice-President.
As a matter of fact, Rove had a fundraiser for Adam in Illinois in 2021 flying out from Texas. But why? Bush and Cheney arranged it. Like the Mafia Rove is the negotiatior for this criminal enterprise.
Rove is the mediator for Bush/Cheney to hustle public policy through Liz and Adam. But the prize has yet to come.
8 years ago, Russia invaded Ukraine, taking possession of the Crimea when Obama was President. Just last year, Russia did an all out invasion of Ukraine and the very next day Liz and Adam demanded hundreds of millions of dollars in aid to Ukraine.
Bush/Cheney saw dollar signs and they were going to use Adam to deliver.
Since then, Biden has delivered hundreds of billions to Ukraine, opening the door for Republican support using Adam. Biden himself is making money from this deal because of the Bush/Obama junta partnership.
Until this day, Biden failed to disclose business dealings that his son Hunter mediated, giving 10% of the deals to Biden for his presidential campaign. The Biden's made billions with Obama covering their dealings when he was President. Biden was the Vice-President while his son made these deals.
The conspiracy continues.
Now that Adam is gone from Congress, he wants his share of the money he delivered to Ukraine. Because everyday he pushed for more Ukraine defense aid and dollars to Zelenski the Ukraine President.
Now he needed a way to make those billions back. He needed a front, and then he created Ripley's. He wants to have those billion dollar Haliburton type defense deals. That's how the Bush/Cheney influence began.
But he got caught by an idiot,alcoholic, wannabe, liar, stolen valor soldier that never served before in uniform anywhere!
What makes this a federal crime is the conspiracy. The federal mail fraud using the internet and E-mail to solicit funds for a company that doesn't exist.
Then using some of those funds to use as enticements for contracts, meanwhile violating federal law by releasing top secret equipment to unvetted Ukraine organizations that could work for enemies of the United States who can reverse engineer this equipment.
This also can be classified as a RICO case depending on how far up the ladder this conspiracy goes.
All this in the name of Adam Kinzinger who guaranteed these deals and to be free from federal investigation.
Adam became a traitor the United States.
The criminal case is clear. Adam will suffer the consequences now.
Do you remember Steve Bannon was arrested and charged over petty malicious lies over his lawful 501c3 to build a southern wall?
Do you remember all the J6 Republicans sentenced to prison for years?
Do you remember Trump getting impeached twice by him.
Well the chickens came home to roost and we will celebrate this RINO going to prison forgotten by the Democrats because he no longer holds powers as a member of Congress.
Just another jobless pretty face RINO has been.
Maybe we start a GoFund me. Or maybe not!
Now after the Nashville shooting he's continuing to attack Conservatives about showboating their guns when his did so himself?
No worries. This RINOs time is done. He too will see the inside of a prison cell. Maybe he can find true love in there with Bubba.
We sure hope so.
©️Val Ojeda is a Republican Author, Media Personality, Strategist and Consultant. Ojeda manages federal political campaigns also serving as President Trump's Hispanic Coalition Leader. Ojeda is also a businessman, entrepreneur and the founder of FAMA a 501c3 Chamber of Commerce. Ojeda served as law enforcement Veteran Officer/Detective.