Grassroots Initiative To Overcome Republican RINOs To Finally Win Illinois Races
Republican Red Tsunami coming in 2024
July 15, 2023
Val Ojeda, Writer
The definition of RINO: Republican In Name Only. That's a Republican Conservative that adopted liberal Democrat ideologies to fit in with this “New Generation” club of Conservatives that adopt policies such as embracing PRO-ABORTION just to win races. One can think of Greg Hart, who ran for DuPage County Chairman that raised 2 million dollars just to lose to Deb Conroy, his Democrat opponent.
You see, in reality, it was two Democrats running in the 2022 midterms elections for Chairman. Greg Hart, an already elected board member, wanted to step up in that race to replace Dan Cronin, the long-standing Chairman of the DuPage County Board and the de facto leader of the DuPage County Conservatives. It didn't matter who the DuPage County GOP Chairman was, it was Cronin who called the shots for years.
So, Hart came out swinging to win that seat and to declare himself heir to the throne at his young age. Cronin even gave him his blessing. Many Republicans came out for Hart, throwing him lavish fundraisers and breaking fundraising records just for this county seat. He received great endorsements and his PR campaigning was on spot showing him kissing the babies and promoting the constituents of the district.
After all that was done for Hart, he couldn't do it for himself. After all the money raised with the support and endorsements, he thought he had the election in the bag. Here was a young guy that could even pull off a great picture being good looking however, it was all for nothing because of poor strategy. It's like the story of the lottery winner that wins 25 million dollars just to lose it in a few years going broke. What will be your strategy with what you have?
When one runs for office, you have to remember why you are running. Is it for the people or yourself? In the case of Greg Hart, it was for himself, you see, he had no desire to help the people of his district to be their voice and provide them with the representation that they deserve for a variety of issues. Hart wanted the Cronin power, and he was going to get that power no matter what. He ran under the Republican Party platform, but he was far from being a Conservative.
A testimony of this is the Black Lives Matter movement that was in full strength in 2021 with the riots and attacking Police Officers. Hart spoke at a BLM event in Naperville, captured on video and photos as their special guest supporting their anti-Police cause. Hart thought this was a strategy to adopt the black vote, meanwhile throwing rank-and-file Police Officers under the bus who are against this terrorist organization responsible for sending 50 plus Chicago Police officers to the hospital after BLM attacked them at Grant Park at the time of the event he spoke at.
Hart stood strong for BLM with his good friend Richard Irvin, the Mayor of Aurora that ran for governor. Irvin also came out on video at a BLM event as well, screaming “I can't breathe” praising BLM. Irvin, a documented registered Democrat who is PRO-ABORTION and donated and endorsed dozens of local Democrats, became close to Hart. Both endorsed and supported each other's campaigns. Irvin needed the DuPage County vote, and Hart needed Irvin's 50 million dollars he received from billionaire Ken Griffin. Both are die hard supporters of BLACK LIVES MATTER.
So now you have these two idiots running as Republicans that are fighting for more power, embracing liberal ideologies to win Republican primaries. In Hart's case, he was running against Pete Dicianni, who was no better. Dicianni was also a Democrat at best. As a matter of fact, his printing company is a front for the Democrats with as much business he throws at them. After he lost to Greg Hart in the GOP June 28, 2022, primary, it was discovered he was Deb Conroy's landlord. You can't make this up. Dicianni was potentially running against her in the general, just so we can find out they had a financial arrangement. Who knows what Conroy is paying him for rent? Was he planted into this race? You can't make this up.
Later, after Dicianni lost to Hart, he supported and endorsed Democrat Deb Conroy. I wonder why.
Returning to Hart, he continued with this poor strategy, running as a Democrat. He labeled himself a “New Generation Republican” and days after his primary win, he declared himself an Independent and became PRO-ABORTION, backing this up with mailers and text messaging blasts. Republicans were in outrage. Social Media flooded with messages of his betrayal. How can a Republican switch up like this as a strategy to get votes? Whoever was the architect of the theory should be shot. Therefore, Greg Hart is a RINO.
Recently, I called Hart out on social media and the DuPage County Journal did a story on my statements. I stand behind what I said 100%. Hart, who became butt hurt, blasted me on his Twitter commenting “Who's Ojeda" with a smiling face. A testimony to his loss of popularity and being a nobody, he only had a few likes and two comments. You see, all his supporters and donors fled for the hills after his embarrassing loss. How pathetic that this shining star burnt out to a piece of coal.
In November, he lost his ass off to Deb Conroy because he didn't keep the faith as a real Republican. Because of his poor strategy of becoming an independent and adopting PRO-ABORTION and other liberal policies, Conservatives sat on their hands and refused to vote for him. Republicans were sick of the RINO betrayal that created a split in the party like what was created by the GOP establishment supporting Richard Irvin.
After the 50 million dollars Irvin raised for his race, he lost to the Trump endorsed Darren Bailey. How embarrassing it was to the Republican elitists that their guy lost after they gave him over 500 GOP endorsements from elected officials and GOP chairman and other leaders. Irvin lost to a southern Illinois farmer because the PEOPLE never embraced Irvin and his ideologies that he tried to force down the throat of every Illinois Conservative. Where is Irvin now? Back in that hellhole called Aurora with his drug addicted girlfriends like the one he had to rescue from being arrested by the Aurora Police attempting to buy weed. His career is over. He can't be Mayor forever, so instead, he will become an ambulance chasing lawyer, forever forgotten like a wannabe celebrity joining Hart as a busted pimple of a memory.
As for Hart, he's already forever forgotten to politics. He's hiding in his dark cave in tears, still trying to understand why he lost watching from afar Deb Conroy working the seat of DuPage County Chairman that he thought was rightfully his. Meanwhile, the babies are laughing at him because, after all, wasn't it he that wanted to abort them with his policies? What would have been next if he became Chairman, more abortion clinics to lock in his re-election?
This is why RINOs continue to lose. Just ask Adam Kinzinger, the disgraced Representative from Illinois who worked with Democrats and continually attacked Trump. Once a rising star, he is now the stool left on the pavement by your neighbor's dog. Look at Liz Cheney, the daughter of the ever so powerful former Vice-President Dick Cheney who has presidential ambitions. The lone Representative from Wyoming was voted out in disgrace. She is too lost in RINO history. They do not learn.
In Illinois, we have the 2024 elections to fight for, but we are going into a new direction. Gone are the RINOs that were pushed upon us by the GOP leadership. You see, 85% of Illinois Republicans support President Trump for President. This race is important to all of us because Trump will lead the way. The Democrats and their failed policies are already campaigning for us. We need to return to the old school religion of conservative values. We need to become real Republicans again, and Trump is doing just that with his message and policies.
The RINOs can't see through that because they see Trump as a bully. They believe he's damaged goods. They look to their candidate like Irvin or Hart in the form of Ron DeSantis who's trailing behind Trump by 33%. Not only that, but they are circling the wagons to support this other RINO loser because he's young, good looking and fits their mold. Does that sound familiar?
It shall be the policy of the people, the grassroots Conservatives to choose candidates that will reflect their Constitutional conservative values. Those who will support pro-life, 2A and freedom of speech. They want candidates who refuse to work with Democrats and instead will fight against their agenda in every way. Just recently we had Republicans in the General Assembly vote up and down with the Democrats to secure their positions in elected office.
How about both Republican minority leaders in the Illinois Senate and House. Sen. John Curran and Rep. Tony McCombie both accepted thousands of dollars from the teachers Unions to support Amendment One. Yet, the very representatives we voted for to represent us, voted them into leadership. But why? Because the system is rigged. Because these Republicans in the General Assembly have to kiss the Democrats ass to save their jobs. Let me explain.
It's an accepted and common practice with Republican elected officials and leaders to follow in lockstep with their Democrat friends. Don't let their speeches fool you. In order to hold on to power and not be challenged in their next elections, they are told what to say and do by the Democratic leadership. Just ask Jackie Haas, the Illinois Representative representing Kankakee. New to her office, she was taken under the wing of Sen. Patrick Joyce and the Democratic Party, so she could vote up and down with them as a proxy Democrat.
Recently, she voted to support the Democrats by voting for illegal aliens to become Police Officers and for illegals to be given housing rights over American citizens. She voted with Democrats almost every single time. She also actively campaigned against Phil Nagel, a candidate for Senate in 2022. So blatant was her support for Sen. Patrick Joyce, his Democratic opponent that their campaign signs went up together everywhere. Imagine that Joyce/Haas Democratic slate. So desperate was she to hold on to power that the Democrats were feeding her bread crumbs, so she can continue being a Representative. That is why she is being primaried and will be chased out of office. Haas is another supporter of the PRO-ABORTION agenda and Irvin supporter. Another example of a RINO traitor to the GOP. She will be gone and forgotten politically soon like Kinzinger who she supported before.
This is happening everywhere. The GOP is being infiltrated by RINOs like roaches. That is why the grassroots are rising up to rid ourselves of these turncoats. First it was with the Cook County GOP who are more liberal than the Democrats themselves, then eventually it spread throughout the state. Let's examine DuPage County which recently turned blue and Democrat.
The once conservative county became as Democrat as Cook County. “BLUPAGE COUNTY" has lost almost every strategic seat there. Deanne Mazzochi lost her seat in the 47th House race as well. Sean Noonon lost his race for county board. Both of these races were challenged in court. Even a former Lt. Governor, Evelyn Sanguinetti, lost her race for county clerk. Do we blame them? No, absolutely not, we blame the leadership. In this case, it starts with Jim Zay, the Dupage GOP Central Committee Chairman.
Under his watch, the Republican Party lost more races than any other Chairman combined. Remember Bob Grogan? Under Zay's watch, that DuPage County auditor seat was lost. But do not forget that Grogan was catering to Democrat endorsements that I challenged him on in 2020.
As of recent, the drama continues in DuPage County with GOP leaders donating money to Democrat elected officials. Yes, you heard that right. Republicans kissing the asses of Democrats once again. Instead of directing donations to worthy Grassroots Republicans, these losers are donating to liberals. How amazing is that? We are in the fight for our lives, and we are helping the enemy.
On July 10, 2023, the Downers Grove Township Republican Organization had a meeting at Ashyana’s Banquets in Downers Grove, IL. DGTRO Chairman Jack Novak invited DuPage County Commissioner Sam Tornatore and DuPage GOP Chairman Jim Zay to address concerns regarding Sam’s firm’s contribution of $1,000.00 to Democrat Deb Conroy at an event she sponsored, and this is Jim’s April 24, 2023 email to county committeemen to cover RINO ass:
“DuPage Commissioner Tornatore and DuPage GOP Chairman Zay appeared at our July 10, 2023, DGTRO Committemen’s meeting. Both were invited by DGTRO Chairman Jack Novak to address concerns raised by committeemen regarding their actions. Commissioner Tornatore addressed a $1,000.00 donation made by his firm to Democrat Deb Conroy. The commissioner reported that he was invited to the event by a trusted Republican friend. It was discovered last night that donating to Democrat events is a common practice among Republican leadership. Chairman Zay’s remarks focused on coming together as Republicans and not dwell in the past. Both justified their actions as efforts necessary to protect the budgets of the DuPage County Sheriff’s Office and the DuPage County State’s Attorney’s Office. However, what struck me was the level of indignance both Commissioner Tornatore and Chairman Zay demonstrated in their explanations? Specifically, their justifications were peppered with comments such as, ‘I didn’t have to be here tonight.’ In addition, questions and comments raised by committeemen regarding the lack of support in recent elections, and contributions to Democrat events were simply dismissed or ignored. In fact, there was no effort to demonstrate any humility or contriteness regarding these matters.”
“To compound this presentation, DGTRO Chairman Jack Novak referred to our group of concerned committeemen as anarchists, and declared that there is no room for activism in the Republican Party. So, it was clear that there was no interest in listening to our concerns, nor a willingness to understand the demoralizing impact GOP leadership’s actions are taking on the rank and file. In fact, the subtext was the exact opposite, ‘Get in line, and shut up. And pay no attention to the man behind the curtain. ‘ ”
Dupage still has hope. There are some good Republicans there, I know. But to start winning again, they need to clean house. It starts by replacing all the leadership in the township, including Zay at the top. Remember, the DuPage County GOP are holdovers from RINO Bruce Rauner. Very few of these losers supported Trump for President in 2016 and 2020. Many, believe it or not, supported Joe Biden, a Democrat. Let's look at Rauner's published list of endorsements. These "Republicans'' supported a pro-abortion Governor over Jeanne Ives because of why..... Money and power. At the time, Ives the original Grassroots revolt against Rauner and the establishment. Though she lost, it was the opening shot against the Republican elites.
I remember when I got hired by Trump in 2016, I had a picture with then Lt. Governor Sanguinetti at an event. When I posted the picture I was told by her office to remove it because it appeared to be an endorsement of Trump because I was on his staff. No hard feelings. I removed the picture and made sure not to take another picture with an elite again. That's what I'm talking about.
Here's the list of RINOs that supported Bruce Rauner from Dupage County in 2018:
Dan Cronin, DuPage County Board Chairman
Steve Chirico, Mayor of Naperville
Jim Durkin, State Representative – 82nd District
John Curran, State Senator – 41st District
Patti Bellock, State Representative – 47th District
Grant Wehrli, State Representative – 41st District
Christine Winger, State Representative – 45th District
Fred Bucholz, DuPage County Recorder
Gwen Henry, DuPage County Treasurer
Paul Hinds, DuPage County Clerk
Richard Jorgenson, DuPage County Coroner
Greg Hart, DuPage County Board
Brian Krajewski, DuPage County Board and DuPage County Republican Party Chairman
Sean Noonan, DuPage County Board
Don Puchalski, DuPage County Board
Kevin Wiley, DuPage County Board
James Zay, DuPage County Board
Rich Veenstra, Mayor of Addison
Richard Irvin, Mayor of Aurora
Chuck Nelson, Deputy Mayor of Aurora
Kevin Wallace, Village President of Bartlett
Franco Coladipietro, Village President of Bloomingdale
Len Austin, Village President of Clarendon Hills
Martin Tully, Mayor of Downers Grove
Steven Morley, Mayor of Elmhurst
Rodney Craig, Mayor of Hanover Park
Jeff Pruyn, Mayor of Itasca
John Egofske, Mayor of Lemont
Ken McClafferty, Village Trustee of Lemont
Ruben Pineda, Mayor of West Chicago
Noreen Ligino-Kubinski, Alderman of West Chicago
Michael Gresk, Mayor of Wheaton
Todd Scalzo, City Councilman of Wheaton
Frank Trilla, Mayor of Willowbrook
Jim Mathieson, Wheaton Community Unit School District 200 Member
There are more, and I'll publish them as I continue this story later. But remember of all these officials that came out for Rauner and the hundreds more that came out for Irvin, they couldn't deliver a win. For their endorsements don't speak for the people, but only for themselves. Who are they to make choices for the grassroots Republicans?
Remember this, these elites will never accept you. They look down on the everyday Republican Grassroots Conservatives as peasants. They want to decide what is best for you. You have no voice in GOP leadership decisions. If you want to run for office or leadership, just watch how fast you will get shut down. The excuses will come like how much money or support you have. That is why it's time that we should not accept them.
It's time that we rid the party of these RINOs who sold us out and delivered to us continued losses. Under their leadership we lost every single constitutional seat in 2022. This includes major losses in the General Assembly and 74% of the School Board races in 2023.
Our party needs a revival and these country club Republicans are not part of this initiative. This political cartel needs to be dissolved and replaced with real Republicans who have no desire for power. We need grassroots Conservatives that just want to serve.
I've been called out and will continue to be called out as a bully for speaking my mind. I ask you this, for who else will call out these fools by name? To report their misdeeds and corruption. To expose their lies. It is up to us right now to stand up for our righteous conservative cause to save this state and great nation. I make no apologies or will I, because I believe in political transparency.
We can win back Illinois with my plan. It may not be popular, but you will need a plan to win.
First it's time to become Conservatives again. People say the Conservative Party turn their backs on us no, I believe we let certain elements within the party hijack our beliefs and we just lost faith. We need to retake the GOP as our own.
Second, push away becoming moderates. Moderate means modernism. We will not accept these social ideas for the sake of it being the "in" thing or popular. If you ain't right then you ain't right. You can call us extremists but I call it being a Republican.
Third, no working with, supporting, endorsing or donating to DEMOCRATS. I don't want to hear that excuse that they are really Republican. I heard that many Republicans supported Paul Vallas for Mayor when as a card carrying Democrat he pushed for PRO-ABORTION rights and funding and attacked many Republicans including an attack on President Trump. If you are a Republican that enjoys the company of a Democrat then be my guest and become one, we don't want you!
Fourth, DO NOT SUPPORT ABORTION IN ANY WAY. This includes supporting Democratic ideologies and as elected officials voting for their Democratic bills. Get a back bone already and be a Conservative and not a liberal. We will be watching and reporting.
Fifth, remember why we fight. It's for our families. That is why in 2024 it will be important that we all vote. That is why I'm calling for us to unify together as one. Once we trim the RINO fat we will rebuild and restore the GOP to begin winning elections. We will organize and help each other. We will play dirty like the Democrats. No more becoming victims or becoming statistics.
We are having certain RINOs running for office in 2024 who actually think they can win but will not. They supported Richard Irvin openly and believe that that will not come back to haunt them. Some say it's best to get an 'R' into office regardless of their support for Irvin. I beg to differ. Any candidate that supported Irvin will be shot down quickly. Their campaign was done before it began.
It's time to take the fight to the Democrats. We will ballot harvest and produce votes. We need expanded voter registration. We will build coalitions to steal votes from the Democrats. These coalitions will be the minorities like the blacks, Hispanics and the Asian votes. The veterans and the seniors. Most important to rob the Democrats of their own voters including independents and libertarians.
The real Red Wave is 2024. It will be like a tsunami. But first it starts with your commitment. What are you ready to invest to rebuild the party and to start winning elections? We are so close to winning these elections that I can taste it. With Trump leading the way we are unstoppable. It's a Presidential race meaning that people will be coming out to vote Republican because of this broken economy created by the Democrats. It's ours for the taking, but we still have to work hard to get there.