Illinois GOP Chairman Doubles Down On His Support Of The Grassroots And Strategies To Finally Win Elections!
July 29, 2023
Val Ojeda, Writer
Political Commentry
Since we began this publication, The Illinois Republican, in December 2022, I don't think we have ever published a more important political commentary than the one that you are reading right now. In December of 2022, hundreds of Grassroots Conservatives descended into the Bolingbrook Golf Club to challenge the entire Illinois Republican Party State Central Committee.
For those of you that don't know what this committee is, it's the Illinois GOP, composed of an elected committee member representing each of the 17 Congressional Districts in Illinois.
As we reported before, it was a bloodbath, with many demanding that the Chairman of the Illinois GOP step down. This is because they cast the blame directly on him for the midterm losses. In this election, the GOP lost every single constitutional seat, including five General Assembly seats. For hours, many candidates and Grassroots leaders expressed frustration about why they were let down. Regardless, the committee was steadfast in defending their retention of the Chairman.
I was one of those that was frustrated because as a Political Manager/Consultant I had candidates that never received the necessary funding because they supported the nominee Darren Bailey who was at the top of the ticket for Illinois Governor. You see, in January 2022 after Bailey was already campaigning for 18 months, Richard Irvin announced he was running for Governor with the backing of Billionaire Ken Griffin, who donated 50 million dollars to fund Irvin's campaign.
Irvin was a registered Democrat who supported abortion and promoted the Anti-Police Black Lives Movement. He promoted JB Pritzker time and time again, calling him out as his “friend” regardless, over 500 top tier one Republicans endorsed him right off the bat. This includes State Central Committeeman, GOP and Township Chairs, Precinct Committeeman and other elected officials from members of the General assembly to Mayors. In the 18 months of Bailey running, not one of them stepped up to support Darren, who was written off by them as a Trump supporting “extremist”
I remember this theory of “extremists” not being able to win office from the now fired libertarian Nick McNeely of the State Senate Republican Victory Fund that worked for Sen. Dan McConchie who was the then Minority leader before stepping down. For some reason, senior members of the GOP developed a strategy to disassociate the party from the Grassroots movement supporting anyone like Bailey or Trump. I remember McConchie turned away my client Phil Nagel, an Air Force veteran of the war of terror because of his beliefs. I arranged the meeting in December 2021. In that meeting, McChonchie and McNeely were turned off that Phil supported parental rights, that he was pro-life and that he supported Trump.
So McNeely on behalf of McConchie politely told me no, thanks, and instead they recruited a Democrat who was arrested multiple times for various dangerous crimes, including domestic battery. Krystyna Vela was also part of the anti-Cop Black Lives Matter movement, and we found photos of her holding up BLM signs protesting the Police. Her online presence attacked Republicans, yet this was the choice of the Senate GOP leadership. We beat her anyway with 78% of the vote. I told the Senate staff it wasn't Nagel running against Vela, but myself running against them. We won, delivering to them a savage beatdown after all the money spent against our campaign.
This sounds familiar. It was this writer who wrote an exposé revealing Richard Irvin's corruption, including his ties with corrupt lawyer Michael Polikidus. It was I, that first broke the story of his Copley hospital dealing, including the drug deals and partying. The cover-ups of the Mexican bars tied to the drug cartels, including La Villita owned by Sen. Karina Villa's father, Tony in Aurora, who should have had their license pulled after all the liquor violations, fights, drug dealing and murders all covered up by Richard Irvin but instead he covered it up for Democrat Villa. Yet, he was never properly vetted because he was the Mayor of Aurora, a Veteran, Black, and a liberal. What a perfect candidate for a Republican Governor.
Of course, the rank-and-file Grassroots Republicans were upset by this new strategy embracing liberalism to “win” races with liberal-minded candidates running as Republicans. Like you, I read articles by the Illinois Review as they published stories of numerous candidates that embraced this “New Generation” Republicanism that supported abortion and other Democratic ideologies including supporting Amendment One.
Yet, Irvin with his 50 million dollars came in dead 4th in the GOP primary because the Grassroots have spoken with their vote. Going into the general election, the majority of Irvin's supporters walked away refusing to support Darren's campaign, scared off by his endorsement by Trump at his southern Illinois rally. Walking alone into the general election facing JB's 170 million dollars, he lost his race in November with only 20% of Republicans going to the polls. How could this have happened after the so-called “Red Wave” that everyone was pushing for?
As a political strategist, I have seen this coming early. I conducted a root cause analysis after the campaigns and identified a few factors that led to our losses, the divide in the Republican Party and the lack of confidence of the GOP voter turnout to even cast a ballot. How pathetic that only 20% of Republicans even voted. I don't blame them though.
It starts with forgetting who we are as Republicans. We are Conservatives first. If you are not right, then you are not right. We reject this “New Generation” Republican theory, which embraces liberal ideologies, including promoting pro-choice to win elections. That thinking is pitiful and pathetic and would have President Lincoln turning in his grave. We don't support or ENDORSE Democrats regardless of your personal friendship with that individual (You know who you are) and we don't donate to them, you hear me Dupage County! It's time we circle the wagons in defense of true Republican fundamentalism.
Another reason we lost was the primaries. Why should Republican Organizations, including Precinct Committeeman, be getting involved in selecting their choice candidates and endorsing and funding them in primaries? You saw how that worked out with Irvin or even in DuPage County with Greg Hart. Let us not forget Matt Podorski, who ran for Cook County Board, who accepted teacher Union money to promote Amendment One. They all lost!
Case in point, this is happening right now as I write this. I received over a dozen calls about the drama going on in DuPage County which, by the way, went Blue from red. Today it's identified as Blue Page County. So, the DGTRO, the Downers Grove GOP Organization, is in the spotlight by the media because of its support of high-profile members who continually donate to Democrats, including to Kim Foxx. One of these calls was with Terry Newsome, a Grassroots leader that many parents follow from not only in Illinois but across the nation. He was recently recognized on the floor of the United States Congress for his movement by non-other Rep. Matt Gaetz.
So Republicans Sam Tonatore, a DuPage County Board member and former member Don Puchalski were both caught donating to DEMOCRATS including LIBERALS Deb Conroy the DuPage County and Cook County State's Attorney Kim Fox.
Instead of condemning them, Jack Novak, the Chairman of the DGTRO protected their actions in a meeting with Precinct Committeemen including Terry Newsome. Terry challenged Novak by stating “There's no room to aid and comfort the Democrats' ' 80% of the DGTRO is demanding that Novak step down now. Do you remember about GOP Organizations that should NOT be getting involved in REPUBLICAN PRIMARIES? Well, Novak is doubling down as I write this on behalf of the DGTRO OFFICIALLY ENDORSING Gary Grasso, the Mayor of Burr Ridge, for Congress in the 6th Congressional. Today I ask you, is he getting PAID by Grasso for this? Well, someone is and I'll be investigating Novak.
You see, the GOP needs to stay out of all primaries no matter how small or big. Just imagine if, for example, if the midterms Governor candidates fought like monkeys trying to get on Noah's Ark (the primary) and it's raining and who ever won which naturally would of been Bailey, only then would Ken Griffen cut the 50 million dollar check and welcome all the GOP leadership endorsements for the general election.
Jack Novak needs to stay out of primaries especially endorsing a candidate like Grasso who after he was defeated by Keith Pekau in the primary assembled a coalition of Mayors to support DEMOCRAT Sean Casten for Congress in the general. This was practically his endorsement for Democrat Sean Casten for Congress and now he wants to run again, I don't think so. Who is Novak to endorse anyway without consulting the same ones that want him to resign? I make you this promise that he will not be endorsing anybody.
As for Keith Pekau we were handed an embarrassing loss because of negligent strategy. He just wasn't winnable. He can continue being Mayor of Orland Park but the Grassroots shunned him for Congress. Terry Newsome explains: "I asked him at a fireside chat in a Downers Grove committeeman's meeting. I handed him the nasty porn in D99 schools. I suggested to Pekau that he hits Sean Casten hard. Casten supports porn and drag queens. Pekau didn't even look at what I handed him. He disrespectfully threw what I gave him on the coffee table. He said "I'm running a national campaign. Do you want me to win? This parent issues isn't even polling over 7%" I said your polls are wrong. I also said Casten is running a national campaign too. He constantly talks about supporting porn and drag queens. I then turned my back on him then walked out with my son. After his crushing loss and the mounting involvement of parents and grandparents throughout America it looks like Pekau should have taken me advice"
Again not embracing the GRASSROOTS.
The Grassroots were never given a voice in the 2022 midterm elections. They were forgotten by the leadership that were guided by amateur consultants who couldn't campaign their way out of a wet paper bag. What kind of reasoning is embracing Democratic ideologies to win elections. Be sure if that's rational, we only had 20% of voter turnout in the November elections and later on April 4th for the School Board races. That day Republicans lost 74% of races and why? Republicans did not receive the necessary support from the party.
I offered these publication resources including a hot line when up to a week before the elections we received over 300 calls a day to guide Conservatives whom to vote for statewide. I offered free advertising to hundreds of candidates and published them daily to direct voters. Yet, we still lost races. The biggest complaint was that GOP Organizations and leaders refused to help because these were “Non-partisan” races. I was dumbfounded.
After this, I wanted blood and I let my fingers do the attacking by writing commentaries, for which I developed a strong following. For many of you who don't know me personally, I can tell you if you get on my bad side, I'm coming after you. I'm not going to give up either after I take you down. I'll keep going until your reputation is forever ruined, and I have my bag of tricks. You can call it bullying, but I call it playing defense because if you try to damage my good name it's my turn to return the favor 100-fold. Then the bullies cry foul and become the victims.
So, I went on the warpath with the GOP, calling them out and writing stories of the necessary strategies to win elections again. With my huge subscriber list that now is reaching across to other states, the Grassroots were finally becoming motivated. I called out the Democrats and the RINOs that supported them. Most importantly, I challenged the Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party, Don Tracy for directing us to the midterms losses. I demanded his resignation, for a coach who does not win games or Championships should be fired.
I was never one to be popular with the leadership, but the Grassroots loved me from campaigning all over the State because of managing races. Without apologies, I'm a Trump supporter and always will be. When numerous candidates “that loved” Illinois moved out of state with their tails tucked between their legs like cowards, I moved back to Illinois in March to win back our state, taking a lead by directing strategy not only to my clients but to hold meetings with like-minded Conservatives. I became sick and tired of organizations starting and folding just weeks later. As a successful businessman, I know organization and how to be successful. A veteran of 260 plus campaigns, I bring necessary experience to the table.
So, the day after the School Board races, I received a call from Larry Smith, the LaSalle County GOP Chairman and a State Central Committeeman with the Illinois GOP. He was appointed by Don Tracy to head a Grassroots Task Force with Dean Smith, another State Central Committeeman, to explore working with statewide Grassroots organizations and individuals to come up with strategies to help them and to begin winning races. Also, to provide the necessary resources to help them. It was time to rebrand the party from the form they once were before.
With caution, I accepted his call and asked him what he wanted. Larry stated, “I read your articles, and I was truly impressed with your commentaries on plans to win elections. I understand you are networked with Grassroots throughout the state because of your elections. I need your help because we have a plan to put in place too, but we don't know where to begin and with whom"
Again I took in his question with caution, but he was sincere. After the call, in which he asked me a hundred different questions. So we began a dialogue with my finger on his pulse. Growing up you learn a few things, especially having played. The first thing I thought was that the GOP was trying to get on my good side to halt my attacks and stories, which I began hustling savagely. But my conversations with him continued daily.
In May, Smith was under attack for comments he made in defense of his Conservative stances. For weeks, it was back and forth about what he said on the John Anthony show. Then Terry Newsome invited him to explain himself at a Grassroots meeting in North Aurora for which he received no redemption, just continued mistrust. I really couldn't blame them, because us Republicans were orphans out there. We felt like abused dogs at the animal shelter, afraid of any human contact.
Cautiously still, I kept up the dialogue with Larry. We discussed the elections and how the Grassroots fell about the party and Tracy. We discussed what could be done to move forward to rebuild the party to finally win elections with the grassroots. That is to win, I began making phone calls throughout the state with different Grassroots leaders.
Next, I provided Larry with a twenty - point plan that would benefit the Grassroots. These twenty points came from my visits with these organizations with phone calls and changes they wanted to be done with the party leadership in order for the GOP to be taken seriously.
This was the email I sent to Larry in June of my findings:
From Val Ojeda:
"To gain the confidence of the Grassroots, it is critical to give them leadership and an action plan for a win in 2024. It seems to them there was a void created in the Republican leadership in 2022 ignoring them.
To win them over, a direct marketing and PR plan has to be initiated. We are weeks from collecting petition signatures. The rank and file are eager to finally win elections. The Grassroots are thirsty for a plan. They want a General in the field to lead them to victory. The horses needed to be led to water.
The Grassroots can be won over by laying out a message with tools that can help them get them organized and rally them to get out the vote. Remember, the average turnout for GOP voters was only 20%. A great deal of them still felt let down by the Irvin disaster. Their biggest concern is the leadership meddling in primaries. I'm with these organizations all the time. I know how they think. They became upset and let down. You have to rebuild and restore that trust.
I believe with the new Facebook page, there should be some reassurances made that there won't be any primary meddling because of the committee that was made up. People became confused, thinking that the committee for primary interference was made to actually challenge Grassroots candidates but it wasn't. That was the sale that a lot of people made, and the people bought it all over social media. No medding in primaries by GOP Organizations, Chairmans or Precinct Committeemen.
The focus should be to offer the Grassroots simple guides such as a hotline number to the Grassroots Taskforce, an E-mail to the Task Force, and prompt messaging to their questions through the page. Many will come. Important directed response should be made to avoid problems. . This is something that can be done easily. You get more bees with sugar than vinegar. Communication is the key.
The party needs to become active on social media and the website. DO NOT LET IT BECOME DORMANT. Active postings several times a day should include party news, events, campaign plans. Here would be a targeted social media campaign to motivate the troops!"
Here the twenty compiled directed messaging points that I was able to assemble:
1. Bridging the Gap messaging showing appreciation to the GOP members.
2. Supporting ALL candidates and not focusing on a “chosen” few.
3. Offer inducements such as P. C., election judge, poll watcher, deputy registrar, candidate instruction. Include clinics or an institute to do just that. The Grassroots have the plans, guides, and instruction materials.
4. Sharing all candidates and GOP organizations postings.
5. Sharing Illinois GOP events for the State Central Committee.
6. A message for honest elections and fraud prevention.
7. Offering guides for candidates to complete their campaign startup paperwork such as D-1s offering worksheets and people from the GOP to assist free of charge.
8. Sharing Board of Elections posting and updating info for organizations and candidates.
9. Weekly videos from Larry or Dean and the Chairman with a promotion message.
10. Sharing a link for Organizations and individuals to sign up. Upon grabbing these Emails, the Illinois GOP can apply them to their Email listing.
11. Weekly newsletters.
12. Promotional videos boosting the elections.
13. Voter registration drive campaign for a 80% turnout.
14. Candidate recruitment campaign.
15. Fundraising campaign for candidates in the general election not primaries.
16. Organize, schedule and post grassroots meetings.
17. Grassroots spotlight 3 times a week profiling Grassroots leaders with a picture and bio thanking them for their service.
18. Intern and volunteer recruitment campaign.
19. Offers for local low-cost vendors to help organizations and candidates.
20. GOTV campaign motivating the troops with messages from the County
After careful consideration just weeks ago Don Tracy, the Task Force and other leaders agreed to use these points. They agreed what needed to be done to move forward. They also agreed a new strategy needed to be implemented to win elections.
Next came appointing new members from Grassroots organizations to be on this Task Force. The reason this was important is because every part of the state needs to be represented, so that they may have a voice and a seat at the table to offer input, offer complaints, discuss needs of the Grassroots, participate in strategy and more important of all to offer any disagreement to any bad decisions that come about.
Now remember it was Don Tracy that came up with the idea to start the Grassroots Task Force. He appointed both Larry Smith and Dean White to operate the unit with his complete support giving them faith on how it was to be run.
So, understanding this at least I had enough confidence to move forward with new endeavor. I did warn Larry that if Tracy or himself folded like a cheap chair the gloves would come off. His response was that Tracy was dead serious about making this work and he is willing to double down by a series of visits and Town Halls to offer these new plans.
The first of these appointments was the Illinois Freedom Alliance, one of the most active Grassroots organizations in the state. They have done amazing work combating election fraud and recruiting precinct Committeemen. They help recruit candidates and offer help to elections. They have a beautiful office in Moline and continue to offer more services.
The second appointment was Christine Shanahan McGovern who is a leader in Chicago, County and the collar counties and suburbs. She ran for office as a Grassroots candidate and has a heart to help others. She's a fighter. It's very important to utilize her talents because of her immediate network. She understands the needs of many Conservatives, especially candidates many of whom she recruited. She is also the founding member of Back the Blue and an amazing Christian woman of faith.
The third appointment was Terry Newsome. Terry Newsome is leading a movement of parents throughout Illinois focusing on parental rights and fighting the School board and other elected officials that want to promote the sexualization of our children. Though this man may not be perfect, he is doing some amazing things for the Grassroots and shaking things up in the Republican Party. He faced down the Illinois GOP and even Larry Smith, challenging their leadership, including Don Tracy.
Terry is very outspoken and at times a loud personality, but he has a good soul and a big heart. Recently, he was invited to Washington, D.C. to meet with several United States Senators and Congressman. He has appeared on many national media outlets, conducting interviews about his plans. Though Terry has no desire to run for a big office himself, he is an elected Precinct Committeeman. So I arranged a call with Larry and Terry to discuss how the party had to help the Grassroots Organizations.
He also opened up a dialogue and liked what Larry had to say. Of course, he approached this like any of us with caution. We have been betrayed before but never again.
So this week Terry and the other Grassroots Task Force members organized a meeting, so Larry Smith could attend to discuss the plans that were approved and are to be implemented with the Grassroots finally having a seat at the table to voice their concerns. The meeting was attended by 50 Grassroots, including 18 candidates. Many were upset and suspicious and wanted answers.
Terry explained how he became involved and why he is offering a chance to make this work. In his speech Terry reminded all present that this needed to work because, after all, what else is being done but promised if the Illinois GOP failed to hold up their promise, we would “go to war". I don't blame Terry and I support his logic.
Next came Larry to speak and let me say this, in the four months of talking to each other and discussing strategy, we have become friends. This guy is not the enemy. As the Chairman of the LaSalle County Republican GOP he is running laps around many other Chairmen who are half his age and Larry is up there in years. He's 100% pro-life and is working on projects to support the pro-life movement. He's not even getting paid for what he's doing. On his dime, he's traveling the State to meet with different organizations.
He may be no Trump on stage, but at least he is sincere and is a supporter of Trump. He may not be the sharpest knife in the drawer, but he gets the job done. In his case, he loves his state and country. He only wants what's best for his children. That is why he is doing this, because of their futures, as he explained in his speech. He promised that the party is backing what they are planning for true change.
These Task Force members, including myself, are not selling out in any way. Far from it, because we are sacrificing our reputations to make this work. One of the biggest complaints that the Grassroots had was that the party was ineffective and that they turned their backs on us. That they haven't done enough to help candidates. Now they are. As a consultant who is managing over 30 GOP candidates in Illinois for 2024 that include Congressional, Illinois House and Senate and other races, it is only right that I find a way to get them the help that will be needed so that they can win. It's not just my job, but I have a personal stake in seeing we win back our state and country.
Many of you know me. I'm the farthest right Conservative Republican there is. I'm a Trump supporter. Furthermore, I call out RINOs every day. When Conservatives require defending, they know whom to call because I'll help them attack their bullies, embarrassing them and their reputations. I found that one of the biggest problems we had in the party outside the GOP was a bunch of thug bullies who they feel can attack other Conservatives on social media or other sources because they are different or not even perfect. Case in point, Terry Newsome. If I had three Terry's I could take over a country.
Each and every one of us made mistakes in our pasts. We know people who owe debts or have had divorces. Many people suffer with their demons. A Lot of Conservatives are blue collar and may not be rich. Some others may not even own a suit or be polished enough to make a public speech. So who are we to critique or criticize others? Are we Gods? Before we move on to questioning others, I believe we need to clean our houses of hate and jealousy. This year alone, I was able to make alliances with former enemies I had in the GOP over what, rumors. Then after they met me face to face, they would tell me that I was sincere, and I am and we became friends.
There are some that cannot be redeemed because they don't seek redemption. They would rather not make apologies or offer understanding. Instead, they want to stand there and act perfect. That's fine. People such as this will be blacklisted and forgotten coming future elections or for leadership positions. For we will never forget.
However, if you come forward and admit to your wrongdoing, and you want to make amends that's what makes and builds true character.
After the Wednesday meeting, I received a lot of calls from those that attended, and they were excited that something was going to be done to win elections and to organize the Grassroots organizations. I made them promise that this will indeed be a success.
My next call came from Chairman Tracy, the Illinois Republican Party Chairman. In our call we discussed the event on Wednesday and the feedback I received from those present, including the candidates. I explained to them, of those 90% were on board. I would have been happy with 50% and for it to build up more later, but this was a testimony of them seeking leadership and plans to move this party forward.
Tracy made a promise to me in our call that he will stand 100% behind this initiative and he has the backing of the committee to do so. He wants to promote Republican values, which includes pro-life. He vouches that the party will never promote pro-choice ideologies, for that's not a reflection of who we are as Republicans.
Furthermore, he made a promise to not interfere in elections. It's only best to have Conservatives battle it out and may the best man win in the primary and focus funding and endorsements on the winner.
He made a promise to offer any assistance to organizations and candidates with training and other support.
He made a promise to have an open door policy with members of the party.
Finally, he made a promise to rebuild this party so that we can come together as one unit to combat the Democrats and to fight their liberal agenda.
I asked Tracy what his plans were to implement these ideas, and he said: “Val, my job as Chairman is to discover ways to organize this party to finally win elections. I may not be perfect, but who else is. We are actually listening to our party members acknowledging mistakes were made. Now it's time to work together as we have a lot of work ahead of us to win back Illinois.”
We recollected the night before the elections in November, at a get out the vote rally attended by 500 people that was organized by my client Christine McGovern when she ran for Senate. All the candidates were there, including Bailey and Tom Devore. When Tracy showed up, I publicly challenged and ridiculed his leadership. I kept at him for months until I learned he wanted to make amends. That he wanted to explore different strategies that would help rebrand the party as the Party of Lincoln. The old school religion.
So I'm giving him that chance. If he's sincere enough to make that effort then I'll see what he has to say and produce, but he's produced so far. I'll be keeping you up to date with some amazing plans that are going in effect to help the Grassroots and candidates. No one will be forcing you to adopt what he has to say, but I ask you to keep an open mind for what we have to lose. For the longest time, we complained they were not doing enough and nothing was being done and now it's finally happening. I say let's take this chance but with all caution.
The reason I say this is because many Grassroots groups expressed their displeasure this week of Illinois RNC National Chair Richard Porter's opinion of peace that is floating around national media encouraging the Illinois Republican Party to support his favorite presidential candidate Ron Desantis. If you recall he was the one that brought us Richard Irvin.
In this written commentary he is trying to compel all Illinois Republicans to support Desantis over Trump. People already read my response to what he said and it was not so nice and let me explain. We don't want a repeat of the Irvin fiasco with the GOP interfering in elections.
85% of Republicans are MAGA. They love and support President Trump. Try to get those diehard supporters to change their minds. Good luck. The wagon doesn't pull the horse. The horse pulls the wagon.
Let's look at the most recent polls:
2024 Ohio Republican Primary:
Trump 64%
Ramaswamy 12%
DeSantis 9%
Pence 6%
Haley 3%
Christie 2%
Hutchinson 1%
Ohio Northern University, 7/17-26
So my question to Porter is why would we support another Richard Irvin like Desantis. This is exactly why the GOP strategy failed in 2022. You cannot set policy for the people. You cannot tell the voters what to believe, you have to listen to the voters!
I'll tell you this. Porter is not qualified to run again as National Committeeman. This is his last year and his term ends May of 2024. It is my opinion that he is running a scorched earth individual campaign to get support for Desantis who as of last week laid off one third of his campaign staff. Let's face it Desantis or the other declared candidates will have no chance defeating our personal choice, President Trump. Now, remember the Illinois GOP promised to stay out of endorsements and a test case will be Richard Porter himself.
It is very important that the Illinois GOP keep its word in faith to the Grassroots. It's only fair to the hundreds that are coming out to seek office as candidates once again.
This time we will fight the Democrats in their territory. We will not be so nice. I have devised methods and strategies to take the fight to the enemies. I don't know about you but I'm ready to defeat the Democrats.
We will have the largest voter registration drive in Illinois history. We will organize and raise money for individual candidates. We will develop armies to knock on doors. We will solicit Democratic and independent voters. We will compel more minorities to become Republican. We will boost the evangelicals to vote.
In 2024, I want 80% of Republicans at the polls. We will invade the Democrat seats like the Marines landing on Iwo Jima meanwhile raising our flag of freedom. If we don't do this right now then we are done. This GOP will never exist as a party again.
What are you willing to sacrifice to make a difference in winning back our state and country today?
A Town Hall is being planned for next month to get more Grassroots together to hear what they have to say and to recruit more Task Force members. I'm really looking forward to winning in 2024 only with your help, Patriots!
Thank you and God bless!