Illinois GOP Endorses A Democrat Over Republican School Board Candidates
The Illinois GOP falls prey to the Democrats once again
File photo/Steve Boulton (2021)
Val Ojeda. Writer
-Val Ojeda
My blood is boiling. Why is it boiling? Because since the run-off I have observed Republicans rush to help Paul Vallas become the next mayor of Chicago.
Republican rule #1. Do not endorse Democrats regardless the situation!
What's wrong with that, you say? Well, it's because the gloves just came off with the Democrats, and they no longer recognize “non-partisan” races. What makes it worse is that regardless of what people say about Paul Vallas he's still a very liberal DEMOCRAT!
Paul Vallas attacking Republican President Trump
Just last night I took a call from a Republican leader that tried to justify supporting Paul Vallas who is running for Mayor of Chicago.
Vallas is a liberal DEMOCRAT. He is anti-Republican and anti-Trump, demanding his arrest. Vallas is pro-abortion and has flip-flopped already in his support for the Police, accepting an endorsement from Black Lives Matter. Today he announced a plan to pay reparations to the black community. Is he going to pay for it out of his campaign funds?
So, this leader tried to reason with me about supporting this DEMOCRAT because he is the lesser of two evils. Vallas's opponent is Brandon Johnson, who is just as bad. Equal in my book.
I told him as a Republican Conservative I cannot in good conscience support any Democrat regardless of the situation. Here, it's not my fight because I have no Republican horse in this race.
With all the municipal and school board races happening, why should we even waste one minute supporting Democrat Vallas when there are many other Republican candidates in other races that need our help.
By the way, where were these same GOP organizers that are supporting Vallas now when we had the 2022 elections? Many of them were nowhere to be seen helping Republican candidates that later lost, but now you are working for Democrats such as Vallas. There is something wrong with this picture. If you continue to justify it, you might as well turn in your ticket and become a Democrat. The Republican Party doesn't need you.
So Now I'll Tell you what is getting my blood to boil.
When Darren Bailey ran for Governor of Illinois, winning the Republican primary, do you ever remember the Illinois GOP doing an op-ed in the papers to support and endorse Bailey in his race for Governor? Negative.
Instead, Chairman Tracy took a few pictures with Bailey but never offered money, endorsements or any other support. Of course not because he supported Richard Irvin, and he called out Bailey as an “extremist”
So just today the Illinois Republican Party offered an op-ed written by Steve Boulton, the Chairman of the Illinois GOP and a State Central Committeeman on the board of the Illinois Republican Party delivering practically and ENDORSEMENT to a pro-abortion liberal Democrat.
The selling out of the Illinois GOP to the lowest bidder!
So, instead of helping school board candidates and others that are running as Conservative Republicans, he takes the time to write up an op-ed on a Democrat.
Is this how pathetic this party has become that after the Illinois Democrats and JB dumped close to a million dollars to take out Republicans that we have time to invest in a race which we have no horse to run in?
Can you answer the question of why that as chair of the Chicago GOP, Boulton couldn't offer at least one Republican for Mayor when the Dems had nine running?
And for the fools that call out, this is a “non-partisan” race, then you explain that to the union donors supporting these Democratic candidates. Explain that to the Democrat PACS. The Democrat Dark Money. Finally, explain that to JB, who donated a half million dollars to eradicate Republican candidates.
They even developed a website to call out “extremist” Republican candidates. On top of that, they spent $300,000 on mailers attacking these candidates, directing voters to this site.
What was the response of Illinois GOP chair Tracy to what the Democrats rolled out? Nothing.
He stated that these are “non-partisan” races and the party will not get involved or back any candidate, even offering data resources.
Instead, Tracy instructed Steve Bolton to write up this endorsement to a Democrat, Vallas under the guide that it's a personal opinion.
I call BS.
RINO Don Tracy Chairman of the Illinois GOP
So, after the papers refused to print the op-ed in desperation, they posted it on Facebook.
I challenge the Illinois GOP to offer and op-ed on REPUBLICAN candidates to give them exposure. I also challenge them to support and endorse these GOP candidates and even offering them voter data they can use for a Cyber text campaign blast.
Finally I challenged them to post up every Republican's campaign info, posters, or graphics on their social media pages and websites, so Republicans aren't confused whom to vote for. That's happening as we speak.
Never in my life have I ever witnessed a GOP organization as broke down and weak such as the Illinois GOP.
If it were a funeral home, no one would die!
After the next round of losses, the grassroots need to come together once again to rid the party of this cancer of Rinoisim and Tracyisim.
The grassroots are desperate for leadership and direction. Instead, we are being sold out to the lowest bidder. The Illinois Democratic Party.
This strategy is so easy a child could do it. I feel like Chef Gordon Ramsay in his show Kitchen Nightmares trying to fix things.
No worries though. We are shaking things up.
Change is coming soon!
©️Val Ojeda is a Republican Author, Media Personality, Strategist and Consultant. Ojeda manages federal political campaigns also serving as President Trump's Hispanic Coalition Leader. Ojeda is also a businessman, entrepreneur and the founder of FAMA a 501c3 Chamber of Commerce. Ojeda served as law enforcement Veteran Officer/Detective.