Loyalty And Betrayal: The Story Of Lake And Dupage County GOP Chairman RINO's
August 11, 2024
Val Ojeda, Writer
“If there is not the war, you don't get the great general; if there is not a great occasion, you don't get a great statesman; if Lincoln had lived in a time of peace, no one would have known his name."
— Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President of the United States & former Army Colonel
I truly believe in 2024, Illinois will create a revival, producing the next generation of strong Republican leaders. 46 years ago, the Illinois Republican Party produced a series of the worst “Conservative” Governors and other GOP leaders in our nation's history. They were all liberals and crooks. The lot of them. Jim Thompson, Jim Edgar, George Ryan and who can't forget good ole Bruce Rauner.
I'm truly convinced these individuals were not Republican but Democratic plants. Yet, people praise them as great conservatives. In today's standards, defined by our true Conservative ideologies, they would be labeled as RINOs.
If these Governors were so great, then why did they give total control to the Democrats in the form of Democratic policies? On their watch, we gave the Unions and their collective bargaining rights more power than elected officials with the backing of this ingrained into our State Constitution. It happened once again with Amendment One last year that we Republicans fought so hard against, just to have the Republican leadership join the Democrats side to sell out hardworking Illinoisans for by hard union donations. Paid for by cold cash by crooked union Democratic bosses. Just imagine that.
We are presently in a war, and we are being betrayed by our own fellow Republicans. The Democrats currently possess every State Constitutional seat, including the Office of the Governor. They possess 70% of the General Assembly. The biggest voting bloc in our state, Chicago and Cook County, are all controlled by Democrats. They are passing local and state laws left and right that fit their liberal socialist agenda. Illinois has become lost.
Soon at the national level, unless they are stopped cold right now, they will gain control of the Congress and Supreme Court and mark my words, they will overturn the Constitution of the United States. The Bill of Rights will be burned. No more freedom of speech or 2nd Amendment protections. The end of days is near.
And what are we doing to fight this agenda that is presently unstoppable? Nothing. We gave up. A testimony of this is our low voter turnout in the midterms. Only 20% of registered Republicans turnedout to vote. No Red Wave in 2022, just a Red Ripple. The Democrats celebrated and laughed at us. Later, in the School Board elections on April 4th, they did it again, winning 74% of School Board races.
Who is to blame? It starts by looking in the mirror. You see, we Republicans forgot how to be LOYAL. How many Republicans that you know voted for, changed after becoming elected? Once they get sworn in, all their promises go out the window. They automatically become corrupted by the money and the party. They switch their allegiances to the Democratic agenda all by working in unity with the Democrats “to get bills passed” In the process, they sold out.
Instead of calling them out, we continue to vote them back into office, so we can have an “R” in that seat. So let me get this straight. They make campaign promises to vote on behalf of the people, then they change their minds after they are elected just to "vote their conscience". I call bull shit. They saw the dollar signs, and they betrayed the very PEOPLE who voted them into office. Afterward, you have Republicans spending the next 30 years on public political welfare as a member of the General Assembly answering to the Democrats.
The same is happening with GOP County and Township leaders. I see it firsthand every day. I have seen the deals where they attempt to run Democrats to REPUBLICAN seats because these individuals are really"Conservative" and have the ability to win. Really?
Next come the candidates running as "center-right" liberal moderate Republicans that I identify as RINOs, just to appeal to Democrat and Independent voters. These are the ones that were recruited last year to run like the midget Richard Irvin that spent 50 million dollars in a GOP primary to come in 4th place, losing his ass off to a great Patriot like Darren Bailey. Just imagine if they were to battle it out in the primary and the victor was cut that 50 million dollar check for the general election. Bailey would be Governor right today!
But nope, we had a bunch of part-time loser GOP leaders that did not possess the necessary skills of political strategy to win elections. If they were a funeral home, no one would die!
In 2023, it's happening again. Now, let me remind you I have been working very hard with Terry Newsome to negotiate with the Illinois GOP to steer the party as a Grassroots organization. It's working. The Party is actually rebuilding and rebranding itself, dedicating itself to the Grassroots agenda for the PEOPLE.
I negotiated with party leaders, including Chairman Don Tracy and RNC National Chair Richard Porter to deliver what the Grassroots are demanding to move forward together as a party with a new message. Believe it or not, they are producing. Let me make this clear. I'm not defending them but, I'm seeing first hand that they want to win with a different strategy using the Grassroots agenda.
Now they agreed to STAY OUT OF FUTURE GOP PRIMARIES. They discovered this strategy was ineffective and expensive. Just today the Illinois Senate Organization Victory Fund instructed candidates in GOP primaries that they will NOT take sides, and it will be up to them to fund their own campaigns and then only the winner of the primary will receive funding the way it should be. This means that more Patriots will run for office without fear of running against a GOP establishment pick. This is progress!
However, some are not getting the memos, like GOP leaders in Lake and Dupage Counties. This is something they are going to truly regret. We worked really hard to push this new Grassroots agenda just to have some stubborn RINO holdouts. This reminds me of the Japanese soldiers found 30 years after WW2 ended, and they did not know the war ended and Japan had already surrendered.
Let's discuss.....
So Joe Severino is currently running for Congress against Brad Schneider, who's held the 10th District seat for 11 years. Severino ran against Schneider in 2022, losing to him with Schneider winning 63% of the vote. Many factors contributed to the loss, but mainly it was lack of money and no support from the NRCC.
For transparency reasons, let me state I consider Joe a dear friend. He's a Republican who needs to be supported and defended, regardless. I am not representing him for hire as a consultant, this is just two guys that talk shop.
Now, Joe is running again and there is a challenge against him in a primary. Primaries are fine. What is not fine is the fact that the Lake County GOP Chairman Keith Brin is already playing favorites endorsing his guy for Congress, violating a new ethics rule set by the Illinois GOP leadership, setting a very bad precedent.
I interviewed Joe and he explained: "After calling out Keith Brin for running a whisper campaign against me for the establishment. Dan Rogers, who is the bully of the bunch, thought he would try to bully and threaten me and in the interim he proved what I was saying was correct. They've already got behind an establishment liberal candidate (Jim Carris) to run against me as the grassroots candidate. Keith Brin already pushed others out of the race so there would be no votes splitting so they could all work just for the candidate, their hand selecting. I thought against the Republican establishment because they weren't working on behalf of the party or people and solely for their self interests and I wouldn't back Richard Irvin that's why they don't like me."
He continues to explain: " Dan Rogers also used ableist slurs like retarded and stupid Tim in diminish me which anyone with autism is on the spectrum Asperger's or any mental capacity issue finds offensive nowadays"
Now, remember in 2023, it's not good business to enter into GOP primaries but Brin could care less. This is not acceptable. If he were a leader he would arrange a sit down with them to explain that they would have to face each other off in the primary with no GOP support, endorsements or funding. But nope, Brin is already taking sides putting his finger on the scale. And he is weaponizing this effort with a private political consulting company he has financial ties with.
Severino explained that it was discovered that Brin, the Lake County Republican Central Committee Chairman, was taking his directives from a “Center-Right '' political consulting company that attacked him on their YouTube channel. In this attack, they also attacked the beloved Grassroots leader Darren Bailey as the “Clown of the Week'' for running against Congressman Bost in the Republican Primary. In many other videos, they attack Grassroots Republicans that support Trump, labeling them as “extremists''
Keith Brin worked with the Irvin campaign, sending out group text messages with establishment Republicans, telling people not to support Severino during his general election nor attend his events. When Severino questioned Keith Brin, he and the non-Ridge, Illinois resident Margie Kubalanza, who sits on her executive Lee County Republican board, said the questions were due to the fact that I had a problem with Keith Brin on different issues.
Kubalanza is on the executive board. She was ousted by Mark Shaw along with Matthew Duray. Margie does not live in Illinois, has not voted in three general elections. Her husband votes for the last 10 years out of Wisconsin. Why is she on the Lake County Republican Executive Board?
Severino explains that Brin has a financial interest in this consulting company that is responsible for directing Brin to support Severino's opponent. Severino states: “Matt Duray is a COR Strategies employee who was fired by Mark Shaw, prior to the coup to take over the executive board by Keith Brin. Why is Keith Brin the registered agent of COR. Why is COR Strategies attorney paying Colin Corbett of COR Strategies? Religious payments when Keith was not running for office? Keith Brin is not a leader. He was fired and not reelected because he fumbled digitizing all the records as circuit clerk, which, after his departure, a democrat did expeditiously. Keith Brin was then brought on through the router campaign to do the same thing for the state of Illinois, in which he failed, and now we have them as a leader of our party?"
Severino provided to us documents of Brin's financial involvement with this consulting company. He also provided a press release explaining the connections of this company with Brin, and its influence to direct GOP politics in Lake County, including their corrupting the 10th District Congressional Campaign, by attempting to eliminate Severino as a candidate. This is political operative 101. But very amateurish at best because they left a paper trail showing Brin was bought and paid for interfering in this primary. Typical corruption!
Let me say this: it will be wise for Brin to resign as the Chairman of the Lake County GOP Chairman. Get out today! No one likes crooked politicians, especially those who are for sale by the lowest bidder. He was bought in a cheap suit. One thing I can guarantee you is that he will not be endorsing anyone in any GOP race in Lake County especially for Congress, or a war is coming to Lake County that he will not like. For the pick provided by Brin will feel some serious wrath from Grassroots everywhere.
All the Grassroots in Illinois will be paying special attention to Bring in the course of these next few months, just to see what his plan of action will be. I will be watching as well. As a seasoned political operative, I know how to play this game better than others and I don't play so nice, I'm ruthless. As a Detective, investigating thousands of cases in my career, I know strategy and tactics. Let's see if I can apply these skills in Lake County if they want to play games. So let's stay out of the primaries or else!
Now let's move on to DuPage County. It looks like the DuPage County GOP Chair Jim Zay must have taken a page from Brin's primary playbook. Why is it that he and DGTRO Chairman Jack Novak are playing King makers in the 6th Congressional race? It is like they have been pimping RINO Gary Grasso the Mayor of Burr Ridge, to be their pick to run against Democrat Congressman Sean Casten. In the 2022 GOP primary, Grasso came in second to Keth Pekau.
Yes, Grasso came in second to Pekau, but in a 2024 Congressional race he would lose hands down. The Republicans will not vote for this Richard Irvin supporting RINO that was endorsed by another RINO, Jim Durkin. Do you remember when after Grasso attacked Darren Bailey and just three months left in the Governor's campaign he demanded Bailey to leave the race?
Here is Grasso's statement to the media:
"As a person with Jewish heritage on my mother's side, Darren Bailey's comments claiming abortion is worse than the Holocaust clearly disqualifies him, combined with his many other disqualifying positions, to hold any responsible office in this state," Grasso, a Republican, said Thursday in a statement on Facebook. "Bailey should withdraw and give Republicans a chance to put forth a viable candidate. He's already lost the Governor's race. Bailey is too extreme to hold any office."
The Grassroots Trump supporters hate Grasso. Trump supporters are 85% of the Republican Party rank and file! Read the comments above after he attacked Darren Bailey!
In other words he wanted to give the victory to JB Pritzker rather than having a Trump supporter as the Illinois Governor. What kind of RINO BS is that?
The Grassroots were out for his blood and just when you would think this lunatic would stop, he comes out with more articles in support of abortion, attacking the 2nd Amendment Rights and shaming Trump supporters as " extremists"
Here's us the article:
WTTW November 2, 2022,
Mayor Gary Grasso of Burr Ridge says the Republican Party needs to listen to those more moderate voices if the party is to make an impact going forward in Illinois.
“Socially-moderate Republicans — still conservative at their fiscal core — must no longer acquiesce to the far right who insist on candidates who espouse intolerant social policies that easily allow Democrats to define us all as too extreme to hold office,” Grasso wrote in a Chicago Tribune op-ed.
Grasso believes that Illinois Republicans have become divisive within their own party on social issues such as abortion and gun laws. As a result, moderate voters are shunned away from discussing these topics.
“Now the far right says, ‘Now you’re not Republican.’ Well that’s wrong. That’s the wrong way to approach it,” Grasso says.
“Abortion in this state is a political reality,” he added. (WOW)
With regards to gun laws, Grasso says restrictions should be discussed, especially about semi-automatic weapons.
“Why should someone just be able to walk in and get a semi-automatic weapon? What’s wrong with a background check? What’s wrong with a mental health check? What’s wrong with knowing why you need that gun?” he said. (WHAT)
With many moderate Republican candidates not making it out of the primaries due to the far-right Republican base voting for like-minded candidates, Grasso believes Illinois Republican candidates will not be able to gain the power necessary in the state to reflect Republican values.
“Moderate Republican voices have to stand up, they have to push back against that idea,” Grasso said.
This loser Grasso should turn in his card and become a DEMOCRAT today. He is supporting ABORTION, and Jim Zay and Jack Novak want him to run for Congress? He would never survive a REPUBLICAN primary with 50 million dollars, just ask his sweet potato the midget Aurora Mayor Richard Irvin. This race needs a woman to run and win against Sean Casten.
By the way, who can answer why after Grasso lost to Pekau he started a Democrat Mayors alliance to support DEMOCRAT Sean Casten over Pekau for revenge? Because he lost, he joined the Democrats to defeat Pekau. Wow, pure RINO evil.
Why is it that after taking office after 2019, he's dedicated 4 of those years running for other elected offices to a slap in the face to the citizens of Burr Ridge after demanding a 500% raise to his salary for Mayor. He couldn't even win his run for Illinois Attorney General.
I served on the 2016 official Trump team with the former Burr Ridge Mayor Mickey Straub who was satisfied with being just Mayor. He wanted no extraordinary political power like Grasso. He doesn't want to serve the people just himself and to get paid doing so!
Grasso has no business running for Congress. I promise you this, he will not win, let alone make it till December petition filings. The Grassroots Republicans will make sure of that and there is no one that will say different. He's done. It's been decided. If you are an abortion loving, gun hating RINO like Grasso, you are not getting very far, not even out of your driveway.
So Lake and DuPage County GOP leadership, I would think twice if I were you! Do not get involved in primaries. Save your reputations. The eyes of all Illinois Republicans are upon you after this article is published to the masses.
We are in a war against liberals and Republicans forgot what side they are on. There are many factors why Republicans become sellout RINOs. The main reason is MONEY! I spoke to an organization today that sold themselves out because of them complaining that they are not getting donations for their organization. Well, try making some phone calls to do just that. It's always about the power of the almighty dollar and the Democrats and RINOs will prey on you to sell your soul if they find out you're greedy like this said organization. Pathetic.
It's time to pick a side, you are either with the good guys or you are with the bad guys. You cannot be with them both. It's time we come to get there in solidarity to finally win elections.
We either will win together or lose together, it's your choice.
In Dupage County in September the Grassroots Task Force will be holding a 6 hour event GOP expo and candidate forum. All are welcome to attend with tables with services to be provided to help candidates and a social dinner and music and dancing afterward to make the Republican Party fun again. Change isn't coming, it has already arrived!
The last few months Grassroots organizations have been in negotiations withe Illinois GOP and concessions were made by the GOP to advance the Grassroots cause. Just this week I met with Richard Porter to discuss more plans. I was accompanied by my friend Terry Newsome.
Big changes are on the way. Let's keep focused on the prize, not RINO losers in disguise.
By the way as a warning. Just like Trump said this week in a post. “You come after me, then I'll come after you!” Val doesn't play games he finishes them!
God Bless!