Our Last Stand For Our 2nd Amendment Protections Will Be In Naperville, Illinois With Gun Dealer Robert Bevis
August 12, 2023
Val Ojeda, Writer
Political Commentary
“In peace, sons bury fathers, but in war fathers bury sons.......”
Do you remember the movie 300? It tells the story of the mighty Spartan Warriors' last stand. In 480 B.C. the forces of the Persian Empire under King Xerxes, numbering, according to Herodotus, two million men, bridged Hellespont and marched in their myriads to invade and enslave Greece.
In a desperate delaying action, Greece picked a force of three hundred Spartans dispatched to the pass of Thermopylae, where the confines between the mountains and sea were so narrow that the Persian multitudes and their cavalry would be at least partially neutralized. Here, it was hoped, an elite force willing to sacrifice their lives could keep back, at least for a few days, the invading thousands.
Three hundred Spartans and their allies held off the invaders for seven days, until, their weapons smashed and broken from the slaughter, they fought “with bare hands and teeth” (as recorded by Herodotus) before being at last overwhelmed.
The Spartans and their Thespian allies died to the last man, but the standard of valor they set by their sacrifice inspired the Greeks to rally and, in that fall and spring, defeat the Persians at Salamis and Plataea and preserve the beginnings of Western democracy and freedom from perishing in the cradle.
Two memorials remain today at Thermopylae. Upon the modern one, called the Leonidas Monument in honor of the Spartan king who fell there, is engraved his response to Xerxes' demand that the Spartans lay down their arms. Leonidas' reply was two words:
In Greek it says: Molon labe: "Come and get them."
Now my brothers and sisters, we are in a state of war. The liberals under the leadership of Joe Biden are destroying this country piece by piece. The very Constitution that millions of our servicemen died to protect is being ripped apart, so they can create a new country without laws. So that they can have a rule less society answerable to no one, including our lord Jesus Christ, which our forefathers in their wiseness built this country to be inspired by. A Christian nation answerable to a higher being, God.
Now the liberals at the highest form of legal government ruled against the Constitution of the United States just yesterday.
Friday, the Illinois Supreme Court ruled in favor of the state to uphold the AR gun ban. a direct hit on our 2nd Amendment rights.
The Second Amendment and the Constitution of the United States itself are under attack. America, like other nations, is prone to terrorist attacks. These violent attacks happen all over the world. Yet, the Democrats and liberals want to place blame on the weapon and not the individual. A pistol or rifle are nothing but metal and plastic components. It does not breathe, hear or see. A weapon cannot walk or shoot itself. The problem is the individual. You can place the blame on mental health or rage. But it's not the fault of the gun.
There are 30,000 gun related deaths per year by firearms, and this number is not disputed. U.S. population 324,059,091. Do the math: 0.000000925% of the population dies from gun related actions each year. Statistically speaking, this is insignificant! What is never told, however, is a breakdown of those 30,000 deaths, to put them in perspective as compared to other causes of death:
65% of those deaths are by suicide which would never be prevented by gun laws
15% are by law enforcement in the line of duty and justified
17% are through criminal activity, gang and drug related or mentally ill individuals gun violence
3% are accidental discharge deaths
So technically, “gun violence” is not 30,000 annually, but drops to 5,100. Still too many? Well, first, how are those deaths spanned across the nation?
700 homicides (9.4%) were in Chicago
344 homicides (6.7%) were in Baltimore
333 homicides (6.5%) were in Detroit
119 homicides (2.3%) were in Washington D.C. (a 54% increase over prior years)
So basically, 25% of all gun crime happens in just 4 cities. All 4 of those cities have strict gun laws, so it is not the lack of law that is the root cause.
This basically leaves 3,825 for the entire rest of the nation, or about 75 deaths per state. That is an average because some States have much higher rates than others. For example, California had 1,169 and Alabama had 1.
Now, who has the strictest gun laws by far? California, of course, but understand, so it is not guns causing this. It is a crime rate spawned by the number of criminal individuals residing in those cities and states. So if all cities and states are not created equally, then there must be something apart from the tool causing the gun deaths.
Are 5,100 deaths per year horrific? How about in comparison to other deaths? All death is sad and especially so when it is in the commission of a crime, but that is the nature of crime. Robbery, death, rape, assault all are done by criminals and thinking that criminal wills obey laws is ludicrous. That's why they are criminals.
But what about other deaths each year?
40,000+ die from a drug overdose, THERE IS NO EXCUSE FOR THAT!
36,000 people die per year from the flu, far exceeding the criminal gun deaths
34,000 people die per year in traffic fatalities (exceeding gun deaths even if you include suicide)
Now it gets good:
200,000+ people die each year (and growing) from preventable medical errors. You are safer in Chicago than when you are in a hospital!
710,000 people die per year from heart disease. It's time to stop the double cheeseburgers! So, what is the point? If Joe Biden and the anti-gun movement focused their attention on heart disease, even a 10% decrease in cardiac deaths would save twice the number of lives annually of all gun-related deaths (including suicide, law enforcement, etc.). A 10% reduction in medical errors would be 66% of the total gun deaths or 4 times the number of criminal homicides..... Simple, easily preventable 10% reductions!
So, you have to ask yourself, in the grand scheme of things, why focus on guns? It's pretty simple.
The taking away of guns gives control to governments. The founders of this nation knew that regardless of the form of government, those in power may become corrupt and seek to rule as the British did by trying to disarm the populace of the colonies. It is not difficult to understand that a disarmed populace is a controlled populace.
Thus, the Second Amendment was proudly and boldly included in the U.S. Constitution. It must be preserved at all costs. It was literally the second thing they wrote into the Constitution to defend our freedoms from a tyrannical government. Furthermore, it wasn't for hunting rights.
So, the next time someone tries to tell you that gun control is about saving lives, look at these facts and remember these words from Noah Webster: “Before a standing army can rule, the people must be disarmed, as they are in almost every kingdom in Europe. The supreme power in America cannot enforce unjust laws by the sword because the whole body of the people are armed and constitute a force superior to any band of regular troops that can be, on any pretense, raised in the United States. A military force at the command of a Congress can execute no laws, but such as the people perceive to be just and constitutional; for they will possess the power.”
Remember, when it comes to “gun control,” the important word is control,” not gun.”
When the mentally ill individual committed the horrific act in Highland Park last year, the Democrats circled the wagons and right away went on the attack attacking 2A. Governor Pritzker called the White House and the very next day Vice-President Kamila Harris visited the crime scene demanding a ban on guns in a press conference.
Soon, the powers that be were devising plans at a federal and state level. First, President Biden instructed the ATF to begin yanking Federal Firearm Licenses for minor infractions. That means one by one, gun stores have been closing down because their FFLs were revoked. When this happens, the federal government takes control of your inventory. It's then auctioned off, and the former gun owner is given what's left from the auction, losing hundreds of thousands of dollars.
The Biden administration is using this procedure to cut off the flow of guns and ammo to the American people. Soon we will be like Mexico. To purchase a gun in Mexico, you have to pay an expensive fee and have a referral by a politician. When you have that, you can purchase a gun at the only gun store located in Mexico City. Mexican residents travel 1,000 miles just to purchase one pistol. That's what Biden wants to do with us. Meanwhile, the drug cartels are taking control of entire cities and are killing Mexican politicians, Police Officers and soldiers and the population have nothing for self-defense. A fine example of the liberal rationale of social rights.
Illinois passed their gun ban and 3 days later President Biden issued a gun ban following suit. Do you think this was a coincidence? They very deceitfully plan this to rob gun owners of their gun rights and risk making them felons overnight. It's CONTROL. Ban the weapons for sale and the ones that the owners have, to register or else. In both instances, they are requiring you to register your weapons with them for their database. Why? Gun confiscation.
February 27th of this year once again the Biden administration showed its true colors against the 2nd Amendment community. Before 7AM in a residential neighborhood in Manhattan, Illinois, gathered over 50 federal agents in SWAT gear and armored assault vehicles. They donned tactical gear, helmets, night vision goggles. Next heard were explosions from “flash bang” grenade devices meant to shock with sound and a bright explosive light meant to temporarily blind. Using battering rams, these agents broke down the doors and entered the home with force.
The home belonged to Jeff Regnier. Inside the home was himself, his wife Greta, and two small children sleeping. When the agents announced themselves, Jeff immediately got out of bed and got on his knees, as did his wife. A son of a Chicago Police Officer, he knew their procedures and protocols. For the safety of himself and that of his wife and children, he cooperated with the agents.
The children began screaming, not knowing what was happening. Screaming for their mother, the youngest child, Jeff's daughter, was screaming in shock because an agent pointed his rifle at her. Jeff reassured the children that the agents were the Police and to cooperate. But the damage was already done.
They arrested Jeff and he has spent almost a half a million dollars defending himself and his wife meanwhile the feds shut down his gun store. I'm proud to say that Jeff is my friend and since day one I defended him and I helped work to get him him released coordinating with his son Gavin a dear friend of mine. It hurt me the way that came after him for political bullshit grandstanding attacking this innocent Patriot and his family. I will continue to defend him and his wife Greta.
And if you think you are safe just wait until the feds or the State Police flashbang your ass because you failed to register your AR or destroy your gun pistol. It may just happen because it's happening to thousands across the country. Do you think Biden hired 80,000 IRS agents to audit your Pay Pal? Hell no, they working with ATF to audit gun owners and to arrest them if necessary. Keep your head on a swivel.
Many Americans should be prepared for just that. If it happens, be sure to crank up the song “Fortunate Son" and get to work!
Just last year like many other gun store owners Jeff was the target of needless ATF audits. Biden and the Federal government instituted a new strategy. They know it would be difficult to have a total gun ban but they can target the 2A community another way. By supply and demand.
The Biden strategy consists of revoking the (FFL) Federal Firearms Licenses of gun store owners by extreme audits. If you fail to check a form or sign a document then the ATF will revoke your ticket. Hundreds of gun owners are closing down because of this attack on the gun stores. If you eliminate the gun stores, how can you purchase ammunition and guns?
In June 2021, the Biden administration announced it would change how it enforces the Gun Control Act of 1968. The act allows the federal government to revoke gun dealers’ license to sell firearms—commonly called federal firearms licenses or “FFLs”—when dealers “willfully” violate federal or state gun laws. Central to its policy is a new zeal to revoke licenses for minor clerical errors that don’t result in unauthorized individuals getting a firearm. The results have been staggering, as some estimates have FFL revocations up to 500% from recent years.
This enforcement policy is the latest in the administration’s many attempts to twist the meaning of old statutes to impose its preferred regulatory agenda. The administration’s policy focuses on paperwork errors when gun shops and buyers fill out a “firearms transaction record,” commonly called a Form 4473. The form requires roughly 100 data points, and a medium-sized gun shop might complete about 5,000 of them a year. If either the buyer or seller answers any of these prompts incorrectly or incompletely—such as one buyer in Florida who mistook “county” for “country”—that is technically a violation of the Gun Control Act. The Administration has revoked licenses based on a handful of these inadvertent mistakes among thousands of Form 4473s that do not result in criminals or prohibited possessors getting guns. There’s just one problem: The Administration’s enforcement policy ignores the text of the Gun Control Act.
The Act only allows revocation of federal firearms licenses when licensees “willfully” violate it. For decades, the federal government took the position that it would only try to revoke licenses when dealers intentionally violated the Gun Control Act or acted in reckless disregard of or indifference to the Act’s requirements. No more. The ATF—the agency in charge of enforcing the Gun Control Act—now seeks to enforce it without regard to a dealer’s mental state, a position completely inconsistent with the Act’s language.
Now remember why Biden and the ATF are revoking gun store owners FFLs. For a national gun registry. There is no law that requires you to register all your guns including pistols. However, with the new Illinois state law it requires you to register certain weapons such as AR style long guns. The federal government now wants you to register any AR pistol with a gun brace. Any other gun or rifle is exempt. What the ATF is now doing is that when they revoke the gun store owner's firearm license they then take possession of their 4473s. This is a record of every gun purchase and who the owner is. Once the ATF obtains this information they upload this into the federal gun registry. Now they can track every gun by serial number back to the owner.
Do you remember the scenes from the 1980s movie “Red Dawn”? The Russian soldiers were tracking down the gun owners by the state's gun registry. Nowhere in the constitution is there a clause for gun registration because of that reason. Government cannot intrude on our rights? What's next? We already register our children with birth certificates and our vehicles with the state.
Now comes another gun store owner under attack. Robert Bevis. He has spent over $1million of his own fighting to secure our 2nd Amendment rights. He has creditors up his ass for $500k! If he doesn't raise $62k by the end of the month, his business is gone & the Supreme Court hearing he's involved in goes away.
Allow me to share with you his story.
A Naperville gun shop owner, Bevis wants the U.S. Supreme Court to issue an injunction lifting city and state bans on assault weapon sales until a decision on a federal court ruling is issued by a U.S. Appellate Court.
The request filed this year by Bevis, owner of Law Weapons & Supply, and the National Foundation for Gun Rights says the bans are putting Bevis out of business and should be put on hold until lawsuits challenging Naperville’s ordinance in federal court and Illinois’ law in state court are resolved.
In the filing, which was directed to U.S. Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett, Bevis and the foundation said 85% of the guns Bevis sells are now banned, and he is being deprived of a livelihood while the litigation remains unresolved.
As a result, Bevis’ cash reserves have been depleted, and he’s had to lay off employees and ask family members to work without pay. He also missed payments on things like his home mortgage and car loan, maxed out his credit limits and took out loans to pay the monthly bills, the injunction request said.
If the bans remain in effect any longer, Law Weapons won’t be able to abide by the terms of its 15-year lease for its 1539 North Aurora Road store, pay equipment leases or purchase inventory, the filing said.
Bevis and the foundation had requested the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Illinois to approve a temporary injunction on the bans but were denied.
U.S. District Judge Virginia Kendall ruled in February that both the city ordinance and the state law, which essentially establish the same sales restriction, did not violate the constitution. With that ruling, Naperville began enforcing its ban on the sale of assault rifles.
The Illinois ban on the sale of certain high-powered semi-automatic firearms and high-capacity ammunition magazines remains in limbo, with a TRO in effect after a downstate judge struck down the new law. The Illinois Supreme Court ruled Friday that the Gun ban was Constitutional.
When Kendall’s decision was appealed to the U.S. Appellate Court, Bevis and the foundation sought a ban enforcement injunction, but the Seventh Circuit declined to approve it. Filing an emergency application with the U.S. Supreme Court pending the appellate review is the next option available to them.
The city of Naperville declined to discuss the specifics of the filing but issued a statement saying, “Throughout this process we expected ongoing legal challenges and appeals. The city is prepared to continue to defend its ordinance, which is designed to protect the health and safety of our community.”
Foundation President Dudley Brown also issued a statement in which he repeated his group’s belief that the assault weapons ban is a “blatant violation of the rights of law-abiding citizens and does nothing to address the causes of gun violence.”
“Between them, Illinois and the city of Naperville are about to drive a law-abiding gun store owner into bankruptcy just because they don’t like his business. That’s grossly unconstitutional, and we’re asking the Supreme Court to put a stop to it,” he said.
So Bevis, like the 300 Spartans, is at his last stand. We are at war and the odds are now being counted against us. My friend Tom Devore in a video last night explained there may be a chance to revive this Supreme Court decision, but it's not looking good after Rep. Dan Caulkins lawsuit failed, practically copy and pasting Devores lawsuit but was not filed for delivered correctly by Caulkins using the simplest of strategic legal maneuvering. In other words, Caulkins lawsuit was piss poor and we the people took the hit for it. How convenient for a loser politician who's on his way out of the General Assembly on his last elected term of office.
The fight continues though, and, like the 300 Spartans, I expect to see you all in Naperville tomorrow to support Bevis.
Please join fellow 2nd Amendment supporters at Law Weapons on Sunday, August 13th, 11am-3pm, to help support Robert Beavis' Law Weapons, to remain open after the Naperville gun ban. He is scheduled to appear in the Supreme Court to fight the ban on all of our behalf. This is the address:
1539 N Aurora Rd
Naperville 60563
It's time we take this fight to the enemy. I was present last year to support Bevis in Naperville at the city council meeting as they ruled against him to support their gun ban. I spoke to the City Council, challenging them. This time the challenge will be to the Supreme Court, but it takes money to do just that in legal fees.
I ask you, my friends, to attend this event and to donate, so we can continue the fight to protect our 2nd Amendment rights at a federal level with the United States Supreme Court. Join the fight to protect the Constitution and to support WE THE PEOPLE from this unjust tyranny.
Thank my brothers and sisters. God bless!