Press Release: Chad Koppie For Congress To Debate Congressman Danny Davis Of The 7th Congressional District.
October 21, 2024
Press Release: Chad Koppie For Congress To Debate Congressman Danny Davis Of The 7th Congressional District.
My name is Chad Koppie I'm a Conservative Republican running for congress in the 7th congressional district. The reason I'm running for congress is for a better life for our families and for the defense of our innocent babies. I'm pro-life. I'm against abortion and I promote the gift of life given to us by God.
It's time for true change in this congressional district. I want to represent all families and I want to be your voice. I'm a defender of the Constitution and of your first and the Second Amendment rights.
For far too long, my opponent, Danny Davis, the current congressman and incumbent, has failed the people of his district, the State of Illinois and America by failing to deliver help to those Americans in need. Instead, he has promoted a death culture with the killing of innocent babies. With abortion.
He has also promoted the rights of illegal aliens over American children. This cannot stand. Isn't 28 years in office enough?
My plan is to promote family values and to provide the necessary help to provide for the families, including the jobs they need to take care of their children. I'll lower your taxes and bring back industry to America.
I'll combat crime to keep our kids safe. No parents should ever have to bury their child. It's about prevention versus intervention.
I believe in strong borders because I believe in America first. No illegal immigrant should ever have to get benefits over a starving American.
That is why today I'm calling out Danny Davis for a debate so we could talk of the issues in our district. Danny Davis had three decades to prove himself, but he has failed you, America and himself. We can no longer accept him being in office one more day. It's time to vote for Chad Koppie for Congress for a better America.
It's up to Danny Davis to take up my challenge to debate him. We shall see soon.
Phone: 708-556-0751
Sarah Lapina, Communications Director