Senate and House Republican "Leaders" Declare War On The Grassroots To Steal Races
Thursday 7, 2024
Val Ojeda, Writer
Political Commentry
Senate and House Republican "Leaders" Declare War On The Grassroots To Steal Races
Just imagine running for President knowing that on the first day all the powers that be will be coming after you. However, because of patriotism and love for your country, you still decide to run. Many of your friends and family members warn you that you cannot win because the system will not allow you too. The experts cry out that you will not gather enough support to win or exceed in the polls against Republicans in the primary. You won't have the money or donors like the others in the primary race, and, as a matter of fact, your former donors all fled to the other candidates.
Just think that almost every friend that you ever had coming up through the years is actively condemning your name and trashing your very existence on national T. V. Then come the liars. The women accusing you of “rape” suing you in court and then winning judgments over rigged civil trials with juries that find you guilty because of your mere existence.
Later, after you declare your candidacy, and the real hits come. First, it's almost every single Presidential appointee or advisor that worked for you publicly stating how worthless of a leader that you are. Every one of them is questioning your decision-making and how selfish you are and that you don't deserve to be President because they call you out for being a bully.
Next come the criminal cases. Because you are not backing down, the corrupt system of government is now charging you criminally with over 100 felonies in two separate states cases and two federal cases with sham charges calling you to go to prison for 6,000 years. They publicly humiliate you and bring you in to be arrested, and you take a mugshot as a dagger in your back as a warning to all to stay away from this man.
Now the final betrayal, after this nation went through eight years of Obama hell and all the Tea Party had to offer was Mitt Romney and he of course he lost, having his ass handed to him and America fell into a national depression. This country needed to be saved from this Democratic agenda that was threatening our very existence and possibly voiding our United States Constitution and our way of life. So comes this man to save it, beating their heir apparent, Hillary Clinton, who was to be Obama 2.0. He went on to Make America Great Again!
Who was this man? President Donald J. Trump. What was the final betrayal…. serving the American people with his agenda that the PEOPLE wanted so badly, but instead, from the very beginning, it was his Republican Party that fought him from day one when he took office in 2017. The Republican Party leadership hated him and wanted him out, but the Grassroots loved Trump and wanted him as their President. Yet, the powers that be in the Republican leadership wanted him out more than the Democratic Party.
Trump was handed a loss in 2021 because the Republican Party found him to be too “extremist” in a rigged election. Does that sound familiar with Darren Bailey, who ran for Illinois Governor in 2022 when he was called out for far-right “extremism”? Well, believe it or not, the Republican Party then shifted from being right to being in the middle.
Trump and Bailey make no apologies for being “right” like I like to say “If you ain't right then you ain't right”
Is it wrong to defend the Constitution, be pro-life and protect the 2nd Amendment? Is it wrong to be anti-mask, pro-parental rights, anti-mandates and to love our country? According to the New Republicans, it is. They want us Conservatives to appeal to more liberals by adopting Democratic ideologies to get more liberal votes, including becoming pro-abortion. What kind of bullshit strategy is that?
This is happening right today like Trump with the Senate and House Republican leadership in Springfield. They are challenging Grassroots candidates and intimidating them to drop out. They are attempting to delegate the policy of the Republican Party in Illinois, yet they are a paper tiger. They are not the powerhouse they were 22 years ago. Today, it's a facade. They are a broken organization that just recovered from the biggest Republican losses in Illinois history.
Illinois Conservatism is dead because of the SRO and HRO, yet the liberal ideology of the Democrats stands strong in the Land of Lincoln. The Illinois Democratic Party in the midterm elections won every constitutional seat in state government, including the re-election of the Governor, J.B. Pritzker.
They control 14 of 17 Congressional seats. They also control by supermajority both the Illinois House and Senate seats in the general Assembly. Furthermore, they actually gained more seats this election by winning, while Republicans resigned their seats in droves during and after the election. Both GOP minority leaders of the House and Senate resigned in disgrace after their humiliating losses. First, it was Jim Durkin in the House leading HRO Victory fund resigning his leadership post then later his district seat. Next, was Dan McConchie, the minority leader in the Senate, heading the SRO victory fund. He, too, resigned his leadership post but selfishly stayed in office that is limp as his spirit.
The Illinois Republicans lost control of the state in almost every seat challenged by a Republican. Illinois has 59 seats in the Senate. The Democrats now have control of 40 of them. The Illinois House has118 seats. The Democrats now control 78 and the Republicans control only 39. The Democrats gained so many seats in the midterms that Democrats are being seated in the Republican side of the house because they ran out of desks on the Democrat side. Unheard of!
If you are a Republican lawmaker in the Illinois House and Senate it is nearly impossible to pass new legislation because it will never make it out of Committee or ever see the floor for a vote. The lobbyists and unions own the Democrats. Good luck getting a capital project in your town or funding for schools or the Police.
This was the most devastating loss to Republicans in Illinois history. It was a massacre. The Democrats rejoiced. Not only did the Democrats overtake the State House, but they wiped out every Republican leadership post including their deputies. This was thanks to 100 million dollars provided to them by J.B. Pritzker. Meanwhile, both GOP caucuses only raised a few hundred thousand dollars. Their biggest donor, Ken Griffin, abandoned them to move to Florida and billionaire Dick Uhleine threaded softly and helped them very little. Unbelievable. I hope Uhleine remembers this mistake because Griffin made the same mistake. Word is Uhleine is rethinking support for GOP elections and rightfully so.
Many candidates that ran for Illinois House and Senate seats received zero help from the House Republican Majority victory fund, or its equal in the Senate Republican Organization Victory Fund. Many were recruited and baited to run with promises of financing up to a hundreds of thousands of dollars later to just be given in kind photos worth $5,000.00 that you could have taken off your Apple iPhone. Others were given just 1,000 walk cards. Such was the case of Phil Nagel, Heather Brown, Stacey Keagle and Christine Shanahan McGovern and many others. They were recruited by Nick McNeely who was the field manager for the SRO working on behalf of then leader McConchie.
This was the fix. The scam. Nick McNeely, who represented the Illinois Senate Republicans, would recruit candidates for Senate seats. The problem is that McNeely is not even a Republican. He's a Libertarian and votes as such. He has served almost 20 years as a staffer in the General Assembly, working on GOP staffs in the Senate and the House including legislative director. Come election time he decides who's going to run. Yet, he's not perfect because he isn't. He's not a campaigner.
Likewise, he has been disciplined and suspended by the state for campaigning while on the state clock. He is a strong supporter of Richard Irvin and is anti-Trump. As a matter of fact he went on to advise Irvins failed campaign. To date he was fired from the SRO after the 2022 losses and is working a dog catchers race in Louisiana a product of a failed bureaucrat establishment punk hack has-been making pennies as a SRO staffer with no pension to fall back upon. Broke and broken.
In 2021, McNeely would recruit potential contenders, then make false promises of campaign financing and wins. Later, it was proven to be a bait and switch. For appearances, they would publicly support certain candidates in the GOP primary, then in the general election abandon everyone. That was their plan!
Now remember, many of these candidates were listed on their websites with their pictures as their choice candidates, yet these same nominees couldn't even receive a phone call back from them. No money was given. Just ignored. If you were lucky, they gave you 1,000 poorly printed door hangers. That's it. No funding to defeat the Democrats.
But why? To show activity. To solicit money not for new candidates but themselves! In the case of a very popular Senate candidate in the 40th District, Philip Nagel, they afforded him an audience with the Libertarian Nick McNeely. Because Nagel shared his beliefs on parental rights, his anti-abortion stance and his support of Darren Bailey, he was disqualified to be their candidate in that important race. This man is the husband of a Latina woman and the father of Latino children. He is a proud veteran of the Air Force and the War on Terror. A firefighter with a clean record. Instead, McNeely and leader McConchie decided to go with someone else.
The choice that your Illinois Senate Republican leadership went with over this proud veteran Nagel was with Karina Vela. Vela is an anti-police advocate and a protestor/member of Black Lives Matter. According to public records obtained by the Freedom of Information Act, Vela was arrested numerous times, including for theft and domestic battery. During the election, she tried her best to quash these arrests in public records to no avail. Photos were found of her holding signs spewing bitter-police hate for BLM. Her voting record shows she has pulled Democratic ballots and has campaigned for numerous Democratic races. On Facebook posts she called out Trump supporters as racists. Vela is a minority and Nagel is white.
The Illinois Senate spent tens of thousands of dollars in the GOP primary against Nagel. Vela attacked his family and more. Later in the primary the people spoke and voted for Nagel, delivering him the win by 78% over Vela. I personally managed Phil's victory campaign against Vela, the SRO and McNeely the rat. The people could not understand why the GOP leadership supported a Democrat plant like her yet, they endorsed and supported another Black Lives Matter supporter, Richard Irvin, who ran in the primary against Darren Bailey for Illinois Governor. Irvin endorsed Vela.
Now it's happening again under the failed leadership of Sen. John Curran the minority leader of the Senate Republicans and Rep. Tony McCombie the minority leader of the House Republicans. They are both in charge of their respective victory funds for both Caucuses.
One victory fund is called the Senate Republican Organization, the (SRO) that Curran is leader of. So, sitting Republican Senate members kick in to support this “fund” to defend their seats and actively recruit candidates that are anti-Trump and support ABORTION. The policy of the SRO is to recruit establishment type candidates that will appeal to liberals by practicing Democratic ideologies under the GOP flag. Just ask Curran, he supported AMENDMENT ONE!
Curran accepted Teachers Union money and was bought like a cheap whore by the Democrats. The rank-and-file GRASSROOTS were enraged, but, of course, him being royalty, he ignored everyone unless you had a check for him. Guess who else took in over $100,000 of teachers union money? Tony McCombie offering no apologies for selling out like Curran. This enraged the Freedom Caucus of the General Assembly that they said they would come after any Republican for accepting corrupt liberal teachers union donations, which these two losers did.
So, these two liberal losers, Curran and McCombie are now doing what their predecessors are doing…. interfering in Grassroots Candidates elections. There are dozens of seats going unchallenged against Democrats, mostly in the Chicago metro area and many of these seats have not been challenged in decades but yet, they have time to challenge Grassroots candidates in LaSalle, Will, and Dupage Counties. Why do you ask…. because these candidates will not bend. They are real conservatives that will not join their elite class accepting the New Generation Republicanism they are spewing embracing liberalism.
Curran and McCombie want candidates that will be their little dolls. To follow their every command. To be good little Republicans and get paid by Democratic donors doing so.
Let's look at the 76th Illinois House District where there already was a Republican primary. Crystal Loughran, a great Patriot and Grassroots candidate, was first to announce. She has a huge following and is well loved in the district. She was later challenged by a fellow Republican Patrick Freehan. Then comes Toni McCombie to the district "exploring" a HRO choice candidate that will support abortion. Her choice was… Liz Bishop. Can you believe this?
Election interference on behalf of the Democrats to disrupt races at its finest. How did she recruit Bishop? Great question!
The problem is what is it that they have to offer to these candidates they have recruited so far? Nothing. Zero...
Let me explain. Both the SRO and HRO are dead broke. The few bucks they have will be to defend their sitting members in primaries, of which there are many because the Grassroots want to expel these RINOs. So what money will be left in the primaries even up to the general for newly recruited candidates?
Nothing, no help whatsoever. Look at what happened last year. After Ken Griffin left they had no more billionaires financing them. Look at their donors, they don't have any. Once Ken Griffin left, the money left as well.
That is why the Grassroots want to go in another direction. They are running by the masses, including challenging sitting members like Rep. Jackie Haas who sold out to Democrat Sen. Patrick Joyce. They want to restore REAL Republicanism to the General Assembly. No more kissing the Democrats ass for donor handouts.
They will run out Sen. Curran and Rep. McCombie not only out of their leadership positions but the General Assembly. That is why today, I'm announcing that we will primary both their RINO asses out of Springfield. If they feel the need to interfere in races, the Grassroots will too. They will be replaced by real conservatives. They can join Jim Durkin in the unemployment line. Maybe Curran can become an ambulance chaser like Durkin, the crooked lawyer.
We will not and shall not stand by like peasants with no voice while the elites attempt to make choices for us like last year.
I will use the power of this publication, and its 1.1 million member email list to do just that. I may have been silent these few days because of a friend's death, but I know how to get back up and fight. Furthermore, I will fight corruption. I will fight the establishment, and I will campaign to expel any fake Republicans who are influencing elections to disrupt Grassroots campaigns.
Enough is enough. The reason we are working so hard to rebuild the party is to prevent any disruptions in elections, then the SRO and HRO are pulling their crap with their lapdog Executive Directors Tony Eposito (HRO) and John Nelson (SRO), who are not proven campaigners but confirmed losers. Just ask Nelson, who worked on Irvin's failed campaign for Illinois Governor.
These jokers will continue to lose like the last 22 years since they lost the majority in the General Assembly. Now they want to establish dominance with no power behind them whatsoever. Sad.
So what can be done?
Call your Illinois Senator and Illinois Representative because these are the fools letting this happen. They feed their donations into both the SRO and HRO victory funds. It is because of them that your Grassroots candidates are being challenged by these establishments cherry-picked candidates.
Most important is to contact the RINOs of all RINOs, the Minority "leaders" of the Senate and the House, Sen. John Curran and Rep. Tony McCombie. Let them know that they have to stay away from Grassroots races. Tell them that you don't even recognize their "leadership"
Let them know it's because of last year's decisions that only 20% of Republicans voted in the midterms. The low voter turnout was because they were disenfranchised. How can the 5% of the establishment compel the 95% of Grassroots how and whom to vote for? That's exactly what happened last year with McConchie and Durkin calling the shots, and it will happen again next year unless we stop them.
I'm howling mad, and I want to prove how angry I am by voting these bastards out of leadership and office. Curran is not until 2026, but we can start by kicking Tony McCombie out of the General Assembly. As for Curran we can't even get him to defend the children. Curran was so concerned about catering to radical leftists to get re-elected that he refused to denounce pornography in his own child's D99 school. If John Curran places radical leftists' votes over the best interest of his own children how can we expect him to represent and protect our children? Do I have to remind you of him taking in $330,000 of Democratic donations?
Here is the list of contributions made by the Illinois Teachers Unions to Republican legislators from January 2020 to date. When you ask yourself why our Republican representatives were silent, consider if this was part of the reason. Your current house and senate minority leaders have accepted large sums from this organization which is by far the most liberal Democratic organization in the state which brought you mask mandates and sex-ed on your children. -Tom Devore
Name Position Amount
Tony McCombie House - Leader $119,900.00
Norine Hammond House - Deputy Leader $55,500.00
Dan Brady House $225,900.00
Jeff Keicher House $144,900.00
David Welter House $120,300.00
Mike Marron House $80,000.00
Mark Luft House $50,000.00
C. D. Davidsmeyer House $46,500.00
Amy Elik House $45,000.00
Patrick Windhorst House $45,000.00
Dave Severin House $43,000.00
Charlie Meier House $40,000.00
Tom Bennett House $16,000.00
Dan Swanson House $8,000.00
Keith Wheeler House $5,000.00
Wayne Rosenthal House $5,000.00
Aaron Smith House $4,500.00
David Freiss House $2,250.00
John Curran Senate Leader $20,000.00
Sue Rezin Senate - Deputy Leader $94,900.00
Scott Bennett Senate $70,000.00
Dale Fowler Senate $65,000.00
Neil Anderson Senate $59,900.00
Steve McClure Senate $52,500.00
Terri Bryant Senate $50,250.00
Donald DeWitte Senate $5,500.00
Chapin Rose Senate $5,000.00
Republican State Senate $50,000.00
Senate Republican Victory Fund $50,000.00
TOTAL. $1,579,800.00
Many in McCombies district are tired of her anyway after her selling out to support Amendment One with the Democrats. Just imagine that this "Good ole girl" from out of Western Illinois was meeting with Democrats in Chicago to get a check from the most liberal motherfuckers in the country. That's Tony McCombie.
In 2024, I will make this promise to you. She will not win her primary with the support I'll throw at the Grassroots contender I'm running against her. I'm already in talks with a 35 year old female Police Officer Marine veteran that will wipe her off the map. Leader or leader, McCombie is a human and a RINO!
I'm putting my name on this and campaigning this initiative because all I know is how to win. Especially in Republican primaries.
We do these things, unpopular with many that feel that we shouldn't be fighting with or attacking Republicans. I agree with you. But these losers are not Republicans but Democrats, and it's time to trim the fat. It's time to finally rid the rats from the sewers of Springfield and the Illinois Republican Party.
My million plus followers will not have a problem with this because like you, they are Conservative Patriots that want to cleanse the party of these parasites. So let us challenge their weak authority, which is the weight of the petrified waste of their poodles.
And who is the architect of this master plan, Rep. Tim Ozinga the Chairman of the Will County Republicans where three Grassroots seats are being challenged by the establishment. My next story and investigation will be on this alone. How much of a douche do you have to be to cause disruptions in your own backyard? We will see about that. The war is on!
Thank you and God bless!