Tea Party vs Trump MAGA Movement. Who Will Win To Move The Republican Party Foward?
The race for the 2024 Republican nomination for President.
July 26, 2023
Val Ojeda, Writer
In 2012, the Tea Party movement offered us the worst Presidential candidate in the history of the Republican Party. His name was Mitt Romney. Currently, he is the most hated of all Republicans and the undisputed King of the RINOs after songbird Sen. John McCain passed and is now pushing up RINO daisies. So the Tea Party, which really no longer exists after the Trump movement crushed them out of existence, felt this was the man to save our country from a second Obama term.
Mind you, that Obama already ruined this country with his expanded entitlements, broken economy, broken military and his attack on gun rights. America needed new leadership and all the Republicans offered was Romney. Because he's a Mormon, right away, we casted him as a weird having plural wives. Listening to his speeches was like watching paint dry. He was boring and had no actual plan that differed greatly from Obama's because he himself was a left moderate “conservative”
You know what happened next in the Presidential race, Obama won again. Who's to blame? The Tea Party and the beginning of the RINO Republican movement. So for four more years we had to suffer through Obama once again because of bad political decisions. The GOP just gave up. How pathetic. But to have not even a unified political party and movement that will go to the mattresses with much more zeal and tenacity to fight for freedom than the Democrat-Left does minute by minute, day by day, year in year out to take it away from us, is the bitter end.
The Democrats were riding high. The welfare lazies were becoming ghetto rich. Everyone had Obama phones with free minutes and data. The ones most affected were the blue collar workers. The Democrats raised taxes and shut down the plants with companies fleeing to China. The Democrats felt they had it in the bag. The next 100 years they said with Democratic Presidents. Their plan included Hillary Clinton to be next as President then came a man that stopped their plan cold… Donald Trump.
People laughed at his announcement for President and they later cried when he won. Mitt Romney was one of these losers.
Since President Trump took his shine away, this RINO has been jealous of how the people loved this man Trump. Romney filled rooms and Trump filled stadiums. Romey will never let go of his hatred of Trump. Now he wants to make sure Trump is never elected for President.
So, Romney (D, but R when necessary-Utah) has a plan for victory in the 2024 presidential race. That plan involves forcing Trump out of the field of candidates. Romney outlined his pathway to victory in an op-ed in The Wall Street Journal. While bemoaning the fact that Trump will likely be the nominee, Romney holds out hope that The Donald can be defeated, provided the race is narrowed down to two contenders before Trump “sews up” the nomination. For that to happen, the mega-donors and influencers in the GOP must convince those candidates who do not have a realistic chance of winning to drop out of the race. He concedes that this may be easier said than done, but the risk of having expendable candidates in the race is just too high.
There are incentives for no-hope candidates to overstay their prospects. Coming in behind first place may grease another run in four years or have market value of its own: Mike Huckabee and Rick Santorum got paying gigs. And as former New Hampshire Gov. John H. Sununu has observed, “It is fun running for president if you know you cannot win.”
Left to their own inclinations, expect several of the contenders to stay in the race for a long time. They will split the non-Trump vote, giving him the prize. A plurality is all that is needed for winner-take-all primaries.
Romney suggests a drop-dead date of Monday, Feb. 26. That is the first business day after the contests in New Hampshire, Iowa, South Carolina, and Nevada. He goes so far as to suggest that donors to lower-tier candidates extract a pledge from them that they will drop out if their prospects are dim after the fateful Monday.
Keep in mind that this is the same guy who was singing the praises of hot dogs just last week. And a man who has not shown his face at a single state or county GOP convention since he ran for Senate. I should know. I’ve been to more of them than he has.
Mitt is confident that his plan could be the key to a resounding victory for whatever party he happens to favor at the moment. I don’t think Romney believes that Trump is going to win the general election. That being said, I also don’t think that Romney believes that there is a second term in his future. So the questions are, what is angling for, and whom is he trying to impress?
For those wholly unaware, Romney is the son of one George Romney who, along with Nelson Rockefeller, Bill Scranton and others, sabotaged the 1964 campaign of Barry Goldwater. Sure, JFK's assassination was going to be a tough hill to climb to beat LBJ, but the 10-ton GOP-ed albatross around Goldwater's neck, plus their knife in his back, did him no favors. And it's the same GOP-e we had 60 years on.
PS: Isn't some Romney spawn involved with Burisma?
Let me just say this: everything that has been done, and being done to Donald Trump and indeed a broad swathe of the American public who oppose the policies of the regime in power who attained power by stealing the 2020 election – is certainly bad enough. But being stabbed in the back by the party that is supposed to have our back is the bitter end. If I want to put a positive spin on it, I can say it is clarifying and revealing of who and what we are up against.
Digressing for a moment into pedestrian politics, one can ignore the polls this early out, but with mega-donors evidently jumping ship and mass firing/reorganization of staff are not indicators that all is well with the DeSantis campaign. I liked the man before (no longer) and appreciate what he has done for Florida on a host of issues. That said, he does have some troubling people singing his praises. That could be merely NeverTrumper donors shelling out bucks because of Trump derangement, and nothing more ominous than that. Just look at former Governor candidate Rabine who is actively supporting him. There are many more traitors and are coming out for this loser and his losing campaign and who else you ask? We shall see.
My admiration for Donald Trump and what he has done as well as his perhaps inescapable martyrdom goes without saying. Yet, the people criticized moves like supporting Ronna ROMNEY McDaniel for RNC chair and having the stolen 2020 election as a central pillar and theme of his campaign, among other things. Like many, the man is not perfect but most of the time he is. Aside from Red Meat Ramaswmay's occasional flinging of red meat, every other person in that field is a Mitt replicant. That is a fraud, poseur and Deep State-approved stooge. Especially Desantis!
But as I said, that's pedestrian politics. We're going through the motions right now, merely out of reflex. While I support Trump, and as I alluded to, it's kind of idiotic to engage in politics as usual since this nation and its systems are now dead and gone, I think as of right now, the RINOs feel the nomination is Trump's to lose, either by a self-inflicted gaffe or more likely by being indicted and then incarcerated by the Garland Gestapo.
What happens after that is anyone's guess. It could get ugly. And that's not necessarily a bad thing, provided that the ugliness is not aimed at us, but rather emanates from us. For all your definitions of the word “ugly.”
There is another X factor in this (no pun vis a vis the Twitter rebranding) and that is people like RFK Jr. and Cornel West, especially the former. Of course, the Democrats will rig their own primary, like they did the last two go-rounds. But will the base agree as it did when a seemingly surging Bernie Sanders suddenly flamed out and took a fall (along with another multi-million dollar Vermont summer house/dacha) without a single cry of protest? I think the mood is decidedly different even from four years ago.
RFK Jr. for sure is a big-time Lefty, but he's not in with the in crowd at Kalorama and Chappaqua. If he is denied, does he go to a third party? Does Cornel West then go to the fourth party? As I have said, it's a turd in the punchbowl that is day by day growing from Tootsie Roll size to one of Nadler colostomy bag proportions.
Either way all these candidates will lose in the end, Republican and Democrat, with only one surviving to become President, Trump. Like the ending scenes of the Godfather movies where all the enemies and traitors are killed off, Trump will continue being the Don, the Godfather and leader of the family. The MAGA GOP.
America under his leadership will become great again.
The Tea Party was a failed Conservative experiment that spawned the establishment later to become RINOs. Look at Congressman Joe Walsh the former radio host and Republican leader in Illinois, Walsh Freedom.
In 2017, Trump had me and my team through an organization we contracted for as operatives to do a hit on Kinzinger with a anti-Kinzinger cyber campaign and a MAGA rally. I invited Joe Walsh to speak at the event. I had Charlie Kirk at the event along with newbe Candace Owens and Jack Posobiec. Walsh promoted and boosted Trump. Not more than two years later he became jealous of Trump and ran for President against him. He was attacking Trump daily on his show until they fired him. Walsh was the leader of Illinois Grassroots until he sold out. Remember his Walsh Freedom contract for candidates? Now he's forgotten and a RINO loser. Now he's trying to build back his name. It's too late because he's a scumbag that was a traitor to all his former followers.
A Former Fake Republican like many NeverTrumpers, he used to be a Fake Republican, now proudly declares himself a former (fake) Republican. Joe Walsh says he'll never stop tweeting about Trump being an asshole, because, damnit, he has a democracy to save, one pointless, repetitive, brainqueef tweet at a time. Old senile has been loser.
I've seen turncoats like Walsh come and go. I've been faithful till this day unlike losers like him, Pence, Desantis and many others!
Now in all fairness not all Tea Party organizations are bad or establishment. Many are good people that want to hold on to the name. I personally believe it's time to let the name go into history. We have a new movement that is actually working, the MAGA Trump movement. Out with the old and in with new. It's time to move on.
I guess the bottom line is that we, as a nation and society, are in a very fluid, dynamic transitional phase. So far, we are transitioning towards some sort of socialist government becoming more and more totalitarian in its functioning in order to maintain control. But, what if we are transitioning to a protracted phase of internal conflict where this junta cannot attain that level of control?
We can observe this 2024 presidential campaign as we have done in the past, or get our heads out of our collective alimentary canal and see things the way they really are. For the vast majority of you, that is the order of the day. And thank God for that.