The Democrats Attack Justice Thomas And The GOP Falls In Deaf Ears
Justice Thomas is under investigation by Congressional Democrats
April 10, 2023
Val Ojeda, Writer
The Democrats are on a warpath to take out Conservative Republicans. They consider a threat to their new liberal society.
Just last week, the liberal junta organized a sham prosecution that led to the arrest of President Trump. They are dead set on preventing Trump from running for President again, not only by prosecuting him in New York but in Georgia and at the federal level over the raid for government documents in Mar-a-Lago.
And when you thought they pulled out all the stops, next, they are coming after a well-loved and respected Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas.
This is the same Thomas that is humble enough to travel in his mobile trailer on vacation, parking at Walmart.
American fake news media went ballistic over Thomas’ until-now-unreported vacationing courtesy of his host, longtime family friend, GOP mega-donor and Texas real-estate billionaire Harlan Crow.
But that reminds us again of how little the press takes note of the influence of a far more consequential multibillionaire, George Soros.
For what it’s worth, Thomas explains that the rules didn’t require him to disclose those trips until recently, and he will be going forward.
Plus, Crow has never had business before the Supreme Court, so there’s zero conflict of interest.
Remember, a Justice is a lifelong appointment, and he's not hustling for campaign donations. Thomas doesn't even have a FEC campaign committee to accept donations.
Why would someone who wanted to abuse politics, like Nancy Pelosi or Bernie Sanders, who are billionaires making $150,000 a year, take a seat on the court for selfish reasons?
Not Thomas. Yet, he's under attack once again by the direction of Joe Biden, who was the very Senator at the time who attempted to block his nomination for President George Bush Sr. over a sexual harassment aligation just like what's happening to Trump now!
Yet Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez says she wants to impeach Thomas over the news. The Democrats are up in arms demanding his resignation.
Meanwhile, The Post reports that Soros’ eldest son Alexander has visited the Biden White House at least 14 times as his dad’s emissary, a dozen in 2022 alone, regularly meeting with top advisors to the president to finance Democrat candidates, including the 2024 race for President.
What produced the Soros clan’s high-level access? George, 92, has spent an estimated $32 billion-with-b on his various worldwide causes in recent decades via his Open Society Foundations and other nonprofits, as well as regular seven-figure giving to political action committees.
Alexander, 37, has given at least $11 million to lefty PACs in his own right — and delighted in sharing pics with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer and then-Speaker Nancy Pelosi.
Beyond that, Soros protégés have packed [spurious president] Joe Biden’s transition committee and White House staff.
It shows: Top Soros priorities include opening borders and extreme action in the name of climate change.
Team Biden has delivered big time on both, with millions of illegal immigrants entering the United States (along with a flood of fentanyl and other illegal drugs) on Biden’s watch, and tens of billions of taxpayer dollars directed at climate action.
The Democrats have weaponized public policy to their favor, and what's coming next is gun confiscation. The attack on 2A and our Constitutional rights, including free speech. You think I'm wrong. Look at the hundreds of J6 political prisoners in jail right now!
The Democrats right now are the lion in the zoo while we, the Republicans, are the Zebras.
Are not tired of being bullied by these blue heads, nose ring wearing leftist liberals?
The GOP is that nerd in school constantly getting his ass beat by the school bully.
It's time that we do some push-ups and start lifting weights. It's time we learn to fight right now because if you don't do it, the Democrats will take it all and trample on the Constitution.
We need to rise in anger to defend our conservative values and work hard to place the right candidates in office to be our voice in government. Only then, with numbers, can we begin passing legislation to defend our country from these nonsense “woke” ideologies that are destroying the fabric of family values.
So, what will you do?
Will you continue to sit on the sidelines complaining about election fraud, giving excuses for not voting?
Or will you fight these dirty Democrats who continue to attack our fellow republicans?
We should declare the November 8 of the midterm losses as our Pearl Harbor.
The enemy is not the Japanese this time, but the Democrats. They have been identified, so now it's time for us to go on the offense and begin winning races.
Changes are coming soon. As a matter of fact, the wheels on this offense strategy are already moving no thanks to the Illinois GOP.
We are doing it ourselves. The grassroots Patriots because we are fed up!
New days are coming to restore and rebuild. Will you join us?
We await your answer!
©️Val Ojeda is a Republican Author, Media Personality, Strategist and Consultant. Ojeda manages federal political campaigns also serving as President Trump's Hispanic Coalition Leader. Ojeda is also a businessman, entrepreneur and the founder of FAMA a 501c3 Chamber of Commerce. Ojeda served as law enforcement Veteran Officer/Detective