The Fate Of The Illinois General Assembly Republican Leadership Is In Question For Future Elections
September 22, 2023
Val Ojeda, Writer
The Fate Of The Illinois General Assembly Republican Leadership Is In Question For Future Elections
I want to start out by saying this publication will become more active in its reporting on a weekly basis with it's political investigations. However, It will no longer be delivering the long columns of my reporting as I have done before on the advice of my friend, Tom Devore. We will keep it simple and to the point. The reasoning is that after an article goes out the emails flood and be patient as we respond to your questions on the direction of elections. That said, instead these storylines will be more tactical like the smart bombs used in Iraq and Afghanistan. They will be to the point and very explosive. With that out of the way…..
There are some amazing things going on in Illinois as I write this. A movement that the Republican Party has never seen before that has the establishment shaking them down to their bones. It's a magic word that our great President Donald J. Trump, like he used time and time again ... a primary.
You see, we cannot primary a Democrat because they are not members of the Republican Party. So, Trump says in his famous speeches, “We will primary and replace those that are traitors to this party of Lincoln and Reagan”
I ask you this, why have we come to eating our own like we are doing it for self survival? Let me remind you of that once honest candidate that "swore" to fight corruption and to “change” things. Once an "honest' elected candidate and then there was change for the worse.
You see, when they get to Springfield or Washington, D.C., they are schooled in the process of becoming a politician. First and foremost, a newly elected politician is told that they must swear allegiance to the leaders in the Caucus. Not the party itself, but the other elected Representatives and Senators. The pack.
They are provided the rules of being a good old boy or girl. Because you are part of the " click" you must kick up donations up the stairs like the Mafia. When you get donations, a certain percentage of your contributions go to the leadership for protection. This protection consists of protecting your seat in the next election. The money you kick upstairs goes into a victory fund to help you.
Because the money is so important, the leadership encourages raising more to build up their foundation.
What is wrong with this picture, my friends? I will explain.
Say a mayor of a small town decides to run for Illinois Representative. That individual may be a good person and have done great things to serve the town. That individual has brought jobs and grants to small businesses in the form of grants and other subsidies. Very popular in that town, this individual then decides to continue to serve by serving in the Illinois General Assembly. He or she runs on a small budget, then, by surprise, wins office because of this individual's popularity and public service.
When elected, they are then corrupted by the process, I explained earlier. They act like a big shot for finally making it to being in the bigtime. The begin drinking and partying then comes next at the Globe bar at the Lincoln hotel, a hotspot for both Republicans and Democrats alike. Because the Republicans hold the super minority, they are approached by leadership in the GOP Assembly Caucus explaining it's ok to create a dialogue with other Democrat Representatives and Senators because, after all, they are all on the same side now. They must work together to pass legislation. In some cases, rightfully so.
The complaint I have is how far is that political servant from humble beginnings is willing to go? Then comes the donors explaining that we will help you kick that money you don't have “upstairs' ' to the leadership. Then come the lobbyists, special interests, big business and other money losers. The graft.
They court you with free, expensive, free meals and drinks. Then come the golf outings. When you throw a fundraiser, they come out deep as sponsors. Later the vacations come with them to nice places. Then free tickets for your family to Disneyland. You have a kid that needs to go to a prestigious school or maybe a Congressional appointment to West Point... we got you.
You need a bridge in your district or grants, subsidies or a tax break... no problem.
Then comes Amendment One in 2022. The teachers union bosses and lobbyists promise you the world to support this referendum in your capacity for doing what's right for the ones that care about your free ride. You once bought suits at the Goodwill. Now they are ordering $1,000 suits for you on their dime for support for this very legislation that was an attack on every single taxpayer in Illinois, giving more power to the unions than the General Assembly itself. Pathetic.
For every one honest Republican U.S. Congressman or U.S. Senator, there are 10 Republican sellout RINO scumbag turncoats that bought into this agenda. The agenda of payoffs and the continuation of Michael Madigan politics, and it's worse in the Illinois General Assembly.
I have no fear of exposing these fools and many times I have provided lists of who they are and many more. I am not afraid of retaliation. Like Trump, I'm retribution. I play this game of politics better than them because by trade I'm a political operative. I know how the game is played. Furthermore, I've seen it first hand. But I'm not for sale like these fools.
I've helped elect great men and women to office just to see them sell out later. They sold themselves out to the corrupt global liberal establishment, becoming pro-abortion, convinced that will get them votes.
Later, we would primary and replace these same traitor fools using their corrupt ways to expose them through transparency. Their Democrat friends fled for the hills and the Republican neocons turned their back on them as well, wishing them luck. Sad.
One day, these losers were playing 18 holes with millionaires, and now they are making $18.00 dollars an hour back with a real job, trying to understand how they got to this place of working 9 to 5 like every other American.
You see, that's what happened with Minority Leader Tony McCombie and Senator John Curran who sold themselves out to the Democrats and even supported their liberal agenda like AMENDMENT ONE. They promised change but it was only to benefit the big donors like the Democratic Teachers unions that provided them hundreds of thousands of liberal dollars.
Recently, they have been making threats to me. I'm prepared for it, because I've been attacked and won before. You see, I have a voice and many followers that love me in this Grassroots movement that want to primary and replace these two fools. We are ready to pounce back against any attack to us.
Let us start with Senator John Curran who cannot even acknowledge the sexual attack on our young children. You see, Curran does not care for parental rights or the welfare of our young children. The babies.
Terry Newsome, my dear friend who has been under attack as he started his political movement on this loser Democrat Congressman Sean Casten for not accepting the reality of the mental attack on our young children and the parents. Terry provided evidence, only to be turned away like he didn't know what he was talking about.
Thousands of parents nationwide stood behind this man, Terry, because he never gave up, he continued the fight as recently with a very successful Podcast. He challenged Casten, then Curran. All he wanted was Curran to acknowledge the attack on our young children that were exposed to the nonsense BS law SB818, the legislation introducing the sexualization of our children.
That is why it has been decided to ignore this RINO, Curran and McCombie because they have decided to have deaf years to the rank and file Republicans, the Grassroots. A stab into our backs.
Then they want to primary Grassroots Republicans with no backing whatsoever?
They must decide immediately, if they are with the good guys or the bad guys. The Grassroots movement is strong, and we are making the necessary moves to replace any elected GOP politician that does not return to the basics of true Republicanism.
My dear friend Tom Devore, former candidate for Illinois Attorney General, is doing just that promoting elections and he is strategically focusing on winning back the Illinois General Assembly with Grassroots candidates just like him. I have the utmost respect for this man. Tom and his millions of followers want a better and stronger Illinois because, after all, it's for what's best for all Illinoisans to make our lives easier. No more mandates or attacks on our 2A rights and individual freedoms. It's for our FREEDOM and children. It's time to Make Illinois Great Again!
We do this not for individual popularity but for service. We do this for those without a voice that were betrayed by the very ones they trusted and voted into office. The ones that sold out for the almighty dollar.
Be aware of who you vote for. There are many wolves in sheeps clothing out there. Amazing changes are coming soon. We are not trying to bully or push others around. Either the establishment has a seat at the Grassroots table or they will be on the menu primarried and voted out of office soon. I make you this promise myself as a campaigner and a political operative.
I praise the Illinois General Assembly Freedom Caucus for calling out any establishment Republican that accepts liberal Democrat Teachers Union donations. They put it down. Let's see if any of these RINO losers pick it up!
This endeavor will not be easy or happen overnight but it will happen. I promise you this. You will see the final product in the 2024 elections with changes made in Congress and the Illinois General Assembly.
You see, let me explain the state of the Illinois Republican party at this moment. There is 30 feet of dirt then 20 feet of dog crap, then there are the Democrats who are handing us our asses winning elections time and time again. In order for us to win elections we need to dig ourselves out of this hole and get dirty in the process.
My language may not be so nice but the liberals are not so nice either. So shall we fight or just complain? I say fight to win in unorthodox ways.
We will act as card counters at the Black Jack table and we will turn the tables at the casino to win finally. Even if we have to adapt to the Democrats tactics that were used against us to win. We are not playing games any longer. It's time to defeat the Democratic liberal agenda and stop them cold.
We will never give up!
God bless my brothers and sisters.