May 12, 2023
Val Ojeda, Writer
Quick hits
Discussion of politics and public policy
Biden to raise debt ceiling by Executive Order
President Biden may use the 14th Amendment to sign an Executive Order to bypass the Congress to raise the debt ceiling. He has two weeks to decide.
The reading of the constitutional text, which states that “the validity of the public debt of the United States … shall not be questioned.”
If the validity of the debt, under constitutional mandate, can’t be questioned, then it’s not up to Congress to pass legislation — it’s up to the executive branch to simply honor the nation’s obligations. Or put another way, if Biden and his team were to seriously pursue this, they would simply ignore the debt ceiling, note that the spending in question was already approved by the legislative branch through the appropriations process, and point to the 14th Amendment to say they have no choice but to follow the Constitution.
He will not stop there. Like Obama used an Executive Order to create DACA and the United States Supreme Court upheld it, Biden will sign two more orders that will drastic effects on America.
First, an Executive Order to ban guns. He can do it, and meanwhile it can tie up the Supreme Court for years. It's already happening. If right now he was to ban guns, yes, there will be challenges, but because the case is sensitive, like Roe vs. Wade, his order can be upheld with limitations. Meanwhile, it would take years for the court to offer a final interpretation of the 2nd Amendment.
Second, amnesty for all illegal aliens, granting outright citizenship. If you think that can't happen, you're wrong. Even Supreme Court Justices appointed by Trump upheld DACA. It took 8 years for them to come to that decision. Biden will base this reasoning on a humanitarian basis and the need for a workforce to stimulate the economy by using them as a new tax base. Finally, with coming wars, he will use them for military service.
The Executive Order is the fourth branch of government. At times, these orders are final and are hardly ever challenged by Congress or by the courts. It grants the President sole authority to create public policy, not laws that are vital for the national security of the United States. Usually, they expire when a new President enters office. However, if the new President is of the same party and shares that President's views, then the Executive Order can be extended.
This is why the Republican Party should start impeachment proceedings against Biden to gain public awareness against him, even if we can't legally throw him out of office. He will be tried in the court of public opinion. It's time to start marching against the Democrats who will sit on their hands and not challenge their Congressional power.
If we don't do this now, than the Constitution itself will be challenged to be a legal document and may be rescinded. Let us pray it won't happen, but we are getting there soon!
New “Woke” military
The U.S. Army does it again. Being “woke” they changed the name of their Army bases. One thing the Marines would never do!
Fort Bragg is now: Fort Cavazos
Fort Benning is now: Fort Moore
They are also changing the names of military streets on their posts of historic military members to satisfy the liberals because of their ties to the south and “racism” That wouldn't work on Marine Corps bases because we are racist with everything and everybody.
Also, they are removing any names off military hardware that the liberals deem offensive, like the "Apache", the name of their attack helicopters and the “Blackhawk” ect. ect. Instead , they will replace the camouflage colors on the equipment with rainbow colors and name the aircraft with famous gay figures like Elton John or Ru pal!
God help when we do go to war soon!
Yesterday 9,500 immigrants were released after crossing the border with a promise to make an appearance with an immigration judge in 6 months. Do you think they will make their court date?
With Title 42 expired they will process up to 25,000 a day with no authority under Title 8 to turn them back immediately.
To speak up the asylum process, these illegals can sign up for the process through an app CBP One with ICE without being booked and photographed. Before entering America they are dumping all their identification documents and using Mexican humanitarian passports instead.
By the way as they are passed by immigration without being vetted they are being given $1,000 smartphones with free service for life with 20 gigabytes of data a month. They are also being given $500.00 Visa gift cards so they can eat with. This is for EVERY individual including children. For a family of 6 that's $3,000.00. Most likely it will go to beer to celebrate their new found freedom.
Tens of thousands of these immigrants are male military build young male Chinese Nationals. No females. A security threat is that many are Chinese Special Forces or Intelligence Officers. Nice huh?
Now they are being bussed to cities across the United States including here in Illinois.
They will be taking away Americans jobs. Union workers will be most effected. These losers will be taking the construction jobs, working under the table.
Next, crime will skyrocket. El Salvador and Honduras just expelled tens of thousands of MS-13 gang members into this immigration convoy to empty their prisons.
Then will come the strange diseases they will bring, including more cases and new strains of COVID.
Finally, this immigration will crash our public health and welfare system, including housing. This will bankrupt Medicaid.
Any American in line now for housing or other entitlements will have to take a back seat to these immigrants according to Biden's rescue plan.
Remember that Biden is attempting blanket amnesty for U.S. citizenship by Executive Order. If you think it can't be done…. Obama has already done it with DACA and the Supreme Court upheld it!
Now are you ready for this? The majority of states are moving to create laws to illegal immigrants to become Police Officers. It is already happening in Illinois. Included in the laws is “fast tracking” these candidates to guarantee their hiring before anyone else. Another form of affirmative action.
When this happens, this will open the door to the Sinola and Gulf cartels to insert their operatives to become Police Officers. They will have access to federal databases and watch lists. NCIC and LEADS to run plates and individuals information. Access to active investigations and field operations, including pending raids.
Most important, they can act as drug mules or escort drug mules or couriers. Also, they have access to police equipment and badges to supplies to criminals, including body armor and weapons.
Now think of one of them becoming a Chief. You're not even a United States citizen and you're swearing to protect and uphold the Constitution of the United States of America and you're not even classified as an American according to the very Constitution that you swore an oath to.
Now imagine this illegal alien with a badge and a gun pulling you over and arresting you, a lawful United States citizen.....
This will fuck up court cases for decades to come and pour out civil litigation cases against the Police and prosecutors for allowing this injustice to happen.
Now remember that these Democrats don't think that far because they are idiots and don't even have one Cop as a representative or Senator but yet, they will create such bullshit laws like this that will be a threat to our constitution, fellow officers and our communities.
When you vote next year, just ponder what I just told you!