Who is the future leader of the Illinois Republican Party!
July 12, 2024
Val Ojeda, Writer
Today July 12, 2024, The Illinois Republican Party and its directorship of 17 State Central Committee members will vote on the next Chairman of all Republican Conservatives in Illinois.
And how did we get here.... allow me to explain.
To make a long story short, it all began when the "Grand Old Party" in the United States was created to focus on family and Christian values while supporting the Constitution and loving our flag from which Patriots planted in our blood soaked dirty from battlefields in the name of Freedom.
This party did become "Grand" and a testimony of what was done in the name of Freedom, and it was by a Republican President, Abraham Lincoln.
When the liberal Democratic Party was created, it was to divide. That is why the southern states declared war on the United States that swore they swore allegiance to in 1776. But no.... the party that led liberal elected officials into state constitutional leadership in 1860, the Democrats led this nation into war over what they called "trade differences" just a cover up to uphold BLACK SLAVERY.
The Democratic Party is about control. They have demonstrated this with the Civil War and 100 years later with the Civil Rights Act which led to the birth of entitlements such as welfare, free housing and more. The destruction of our country delivered to us by the liberals.
Since the Civil War, Republicans are still in battle with Democrats. Differences they had until today. One idea was for control or Freedom. Republicans chose Freedom.
Through the 20th century, yes, Republicans had control in time, but the Democrats achieved more control by passing liberal laws that affect us until this day by social policy that was currently popular. Time and time again, they won races. Because they became a new movement. The Kennedy generation in control of the White House.
Especially in Illinois.
These laws were to appeal to the public voting base, especially in Illinois.
Illinois right today is controlled by the Democratic Party and Chicago hasn't had a Republican Mayor in over a hundred years. The Democrats control every single constitutional seat in Illinois, and they hold hostage two thirds of the General the General Assembly and today we have in 2024 Republicans becoming Democrats as "moderates" pro-abortion and are anti 2A?
The Illinois Republican Party is moving forward by the direction of America First Policies with Trump as the leader of American Republicans. If no one in the SCC or Republican leadership including the GOP House and Senate to promote these elections there will be a price to pay. Resign or else. The power of the vote is mighty.
We chopped off the head of the RHINO Illinois GOP leadership. Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party Don Tracy...gone, the Chairman of the Chicago GOP Steve Boulton...gone, Mark Shaw Vice Chairman of the Illinois Republican Party and many more losers. You know who you are. Tony McCombie and John Curran are gone too.
Today's elections........for the Illinois GOP.
MARK SHAW is back wanting revenge for his ouster as Illinois GOP Vice Chairman by the GRASSROOTS for being the fraud that he is. His PAYBACK is negotiating with Illinois GOP State Central Committee members to insert KATHY SALVI as the new Chairman who will be Don Tracy 2.0. As a matter of fact Don Tracy is PROMOTING Kathy SALVI to replace him to carry on the banner of conservative modernism and more pathetic being RINOs no matter what you say.
I'm receiving dozens of phone calls and emails from GRASSROOTS Patriots stating that their applications were NEVER accepted for the position of Illinois GOP Chairman.
I'm understanding that Republicans applying for the position as CHAIRMAN OF THE ILLINOIS GOP were not afforded the right to apply by the deadline yesterday. So in effect the Executive Director Matt James is cherry picking who receives an application or intake info for the Chairman. No record of them receiving emails whatsoever. This is not right.
Terry Newsome told me in a call today that he sent numerous emails asking for an application but he was ignored. My question is how many others were refused the right to apply? This is rigging the game for others to have a chance to apply for the position. So Mr. Jane's, what is your personal criteria to email the application to a candidate....should they be Pro-choice, Moderate, Anti-2A?
It sounds like the GOP at the behest of Don Tracy, Larry Smith, lawyers and their consultants are attempting to prevent Grassroots Republicans from even applying. If you did apply and have not received an application for Chairman please inbox me as I'm working up a story for the Illinois Republican on this to expose this travesty. This is what we are fighting against. The corruption of the GOP political elite. #RINOs
"If any of the 17 members of the State Central Committee of the Illinois Republican Party votes for JOHN CABELLO or KATHY SALVI let us promise you this. THERE WILL BE CONSEQUENCES for your support of THE WRONG CHOICE. Illinois Republicans need a GRASSROOTS LEADER as Chairman that is willing to fight and spearhead our conservative values, separate from Democrats and their teachers unions money and to promote conservative elections to support Trump and our conservative ideologies." -Val Ojeda
Numerous Facebook pages will appear overnight promoting your RINO sellout ways. We will make you famous over a bad vote. So sad.
CABELLO AND SALVI do not meet the old time standards of conservative values to be the leader of this party!
Make your choice wisely and remember your vote will come out PUBLICLY because you will no longer be PAINTED as a RHINO but a DEMOCRAT and your seat will be challenged. Anyone you support POLITICALLY won't have an easy campaign either. It's called POLITICS.
Cabello has no chance of winning but SALVI is in the running. WE HAVE TO STOP HER!
Illinois does not need a Queen, we need a leader. KATHY SALVI is in negotiations with the SCC members to have her take over from Don Tracy for Chairman of the Illinois GOP as it will be much worse. KATHY couldn't win her Senate campaign in 2022 so what does she have to offer to revamp the party? She's anti Grassroots, anti Trump, anti gun yet she's a Don Tracy loving RINO that will sink the party even further to the Democrats and their agenda as they will be her puppet master. SHE IS NOT A FIGHTER BUT AN APPEASER to the moderate Republicans that laugh at Trump and the grassroots!
I make this promise...... purpose a temporary Chairman to draw a broader selection. If you elect tomorrow.....vote Grassroots. VOTE AARON DEL MAR. THE BEST GUY FOR THE JOB!
Anyone that votes Cabello or Salvi
Do your duty and email the SCC members and say NO to SALVI and CABELLO!
northville6repub@aol.com, timozinga@gmail.com, diekelmanj@aol.com, jeanneives1@gmail.com, gopjay@att.net, aaron@palatinerepublicans.com, sean@morrisonsecurity.com, westsidemark@gmail.com, deanw868@gmail.com, joan.lasonde@gmail.com, lpollastrini@yahoo.com, belstar@shawneelink.net, myles@bostforcongress.com, ilgop@jasonplummer.com, jweberlp@msn.com, chadweaver2@gmail.com